Wednesday, 24 August 2011
5 Tips Powerful Foods that Lower Your Blood Pressure
Are you eating enough of these 5 amazing foods that help reduce high blood pressure?
by Frank Mangano
Consumer Health Advocate
Author of the popular book: Blood Pressure Miracle
Did you know that stroke and coronary heart disease still remain to be on the list of the top three main causes of death in the USA? It's time to take your health seriously so you don't fall victim to these!
What is High Blood Pressure and how does this come into play?
According to the National Institute for Health, blood pressure levels of 140/90 mmHg or more can be classified as hypertension.
The worst part about having high blood pressure is that the condition can sometimes be present without any symptoms and before we know it, the damage is already extensive. Serious problems that have been associated with high blood pressure include kidney failure, heart attack, heart failure and stroke.
What are the Risk Factors Associated with High Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure can be influenced by a lot of factors – age, race, family history, tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle, diet, binge drinking, and stress levels. Chronic conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes and high cholesterol levels can also precipitate the development of hypertension.
What can You Do to Lower Blood Pressure?
You don't need potentially dangerous drugs to control and reduce your blood pressure. Controlling blood pressure levels could be as simple as doing lifestyle modifications and eating healthier.
If you are a smoker, quit. If you drink heavily, try to practice self-control. At work, take the stairs instead of the elevator. And if you have been obsessed with sweet, sugary foods as well as processed fast-food meals, then modify your eating habits as well. Learn to eat the right kinds of food before it's too late.
Below are 5 of my top picks for powerful foods that could help you lower your blood pressure levels:
1. Artichokes
The use of artichokes has been implicated in the lowering of cholesterol levels in the blood. Since hypercholesterolemia is one of the risk factors for high blood pressure, this information is actually good news. Three clinical trials conducted separately by Dr. Barbara Wider supports this fact. In Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews’ October 2009 issue, where the result of the study was published, it was shown that patients who were diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and given Artichoke leaf extract exhibited a decrease in their blood cholesterol levels.
Artichokes taste amazing steamed (generally steam for about 1 hour) and then dip each piece into a mixture of olive oil, grass-fed butter, and garlic. Delicious!
2. Bananas
A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine says that incorporating bananas in your day-to-day meals can actually cut stroke-related deaths by as much as 40 percent. A 1997 study at Johns Hopkins University recommended eating at least five bananas daily to achieve the desired effect, and that is to lower elevated blood pressure levels. However, a study conducted by Indian researchers at the Kasturba medical college revealed that people who eat two bananas a day, for one whole week, can lower their blood pressure levels by 10 percent.
Bananas are rich in potassium, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart. It works with sodium to maintain balance of the body’s fluids, which is an important factor in the regulation of blood pressure.
3. Beets
A research study conducted by scientists from Barts and The London School Medicine revealed that simply drinking one 500 ml glass of beetroot juice each day can produce astounding health benefits, especially to the heart.
Beetroot juice has been found to lower high blood pressure levels. Professors Amrita Ahluwalia and Ben Benjamin, from the William Harvey Research Institute and Peninsula Medical Center, respectively, led the research efforts, which revealed that the consumption of dietary nitrate that is found in beetroot has BP-lowering effects in as fast as 1 hour after ingestion, with the effect lasting for up to 24 hours. The result of the study was published in the March 2008 issue of Hypertension.
You can try beetroot juice, or also try baked beets sliced on salads or as a side dish to dinner.
4. Cocoa
A study conducted by researchers from Germany’s University Hospital of Cologne revealed that cocoa can significantly lower high blood pressure levels. Study results were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The beneficial heart effects of cocoa are attributed to its flavonoid content, specifically procyanids.
Because cocoa is most commonly found in chocolate, people falsely assume that eating a lot of chocolate could be good for the health. Keep in mind that cocoa in chocolates have undergone a lot of processing, and it has been mixed with loads of sugar, so this is not totally healthy. The best way to take advantage of the health benefits offered by cocoa is to choose raw cacao – it is good for the heart, the brain and the liver. Raw cacao nibs go great in smoothies! Also use organic cocoa powder in smoothies or homemade hot cocoa sweetened with stevia instead of sugar.
5. Garlic
Researchers from South Australia’s University of Adelaide have conducted studies, which provide solid proof that the consumption of garlic can indeed help lower elevated blood pressure levels. Garlic supplements in powder form were given and results revealed that it produced a reduction in systolic blood pressure. Garlic has been known all over the world as a very important herb, especially with its heart-protecting capabilities. It helps lower blood cholesterol levels and prevents blood from forming clots (which could lead to heart attack and stroke).
Furthermore, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal has published the results of a laboratory test showing how garlic juice can lead to a decrease in blood pressure levels. Eating the equivalent of 2 cloves of garlic each day can significantly contribute to the health of the heart.
Great 7 Tips to NEVER Get Sick Again
Understand the REAL cause of sickness, and strengthen your immune system with these tips
by Mike Geary - Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs
Note: The tips in this article can work anytime of the year to keep you healthy and prevent you from getting sick...not just in the winter!
However... This is blatantly false!
And then when we're in summer in the northern hemisphere and most sicknesses go away, it's winter in the southern hemisphere, so colds, flu, and other sicknesses spike in the southern hemisphere.
So is it the warm temperatures that decreases sickness? Nope... It's actually all about the strength of the suns rays, and how much vitamin D your body produces due to the UV rays on your skin!
There are 2 theories that many people pass around as to why more colds, flu, and sickness occur in the winter depending on which part of the world you're in...
Theory 2. The reason people get sick more in the winter is mostly due to a drastic reduction in their body's production of Vitamin D, which is directly responsible for how strong their immune system is.
So how can you bolster your immune system so that your body can fight off sickness before it gets a hold of you?
So here is my little ritual that I've been using for a few years now and really seems to keep me from getting any colds, flu, or any sickness at all.
As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I was legitimately sick. I think it's been 6 or 7 years since I've actually been sick.
Every time I feel a cold or something starting to come on, I do this ritual, strengthen my immune system, and my body always fights it off before I actually get full-blown sick.
1. Focus on Vitamin D (but NOT in pill form or "fortified" foods)
You need to be careful about artificial forms of vitamin D in many vitamin pills, as artificial vitamin forms are almost always either ineffective or possibly even detrimental compared to natural forms. For this reason, you need to get your vitamin D naturally. The sun is the best source, and leads to a powerful strengthening of your immune system when your body can naturally produce Vitamin D from moderate sun exposure. Here is a previous article I did on how to get sun exposure in a healthy way without damaging your skin I know not everybody can take a tropical vacation every winter, but if you can, it's best to try to take it right smack dab in the middle of the winter (when your vitamin D levels have dropped to their lowest)... getting even a few days of good sun closer to the equator in the middle of winter can really help increase your vitamin D and strengthen your immune system.
Remember that this does NOT mean getting burned in the sun... it means getting a moderate amount of sun on large portions of your body (not just your face) for approx 15-40 minutes per day WITHOUT sunscreen on (since sunscreen blocks the UV rays that directly stimulate the vitamin D increase in your body).
Everybody is different based on their skin tone... very pale skin tones may only need 10 minutes or so in full sun in the middle of the day to get adequate vitamin D before any skin damage occurs, but darker skin tones may need a slightly longer time (sometimes 30-40 minutes) in the sun to produce adequate vitamin D. To protect your skin, it's essential to get enough sun without sunscreen on, but NOT get burned.
With that said, I understand that a tropical vacation in the winter is not possible for everybody's schedule based on either work or finances, so...
Since you may not be going on a tropical vacation this winter, how can you still keep Vitamin D levels from falling dangerously low in your body?
Well, the best food sources of natural Vitamin D are egg yolks, fatty fish, organ meats, and some mushrooms (some portobella mushrooms and maitake mushroom are fairly good sources of vitamin D).
But what I do to make sure I'm at least getting a decent amount of the best absorbed vitamin D is to take a SMALL dose of cod liver oil daily in the deepest months of winter to make sure my vitamin D levels don't fall too low. Make sure to take only small doses of cod liver oil (enough for 50% to 100% DV of vitamin D), as large doses can give you an overdose of Vitamin A. I take about half to 2/3rds of the recommended dose on the bottle.
I'm also a big fan of Prograde Nutrition's natural VGF-25 multi-vitamin, which derives it's vitamin D from natural fish liver oil instead of a synthetic form of vitamin D. All of the other vitamins in VGF-25 (which stands for "25 veggies, greens, and fruits") are naturally derived too instead of most multi-vitamins that you find at your corner store that are synthetic.
FYI - The synthetic version of Vitamin D is ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), while the natural form is cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). By the way, fortified milk has added D2, not D3... so that's NOT a good source. In fact, I don't trust any "fortified" foods at all, including crappy breakfast cereals which claim to be good sources of vitamin D... not so!
2. Garlic to strengthen your immune system!
Garlic is one of the most potent of all superfoods! Not only does high dose garlic go back thousands of years for treatment of sickness, but recent studies back up the legendary claims for boosting your immune system.
3. Kombucha tea strengthens immune system
Kombucha tea is a fermented tea (naturally effervescent) that contains billions of friendly gut organisms (probiotics) that help to strengthen your immune system by bolstering your levels of good organisms in your gut.
4. Green tea, Chamomile Tea, and other teas
There is evidence that green tea and chamomile tea can help aid in strengthening the immune system.
Even if the effect is small, you can't go wrong because both are loaded with powerful antioxidants unique to each tea. For that reason, I try to drink a couple cups of green tea with a small bit of raw honey early in the day, and then at night, I have a couple cups of chamomile tea.
This isn't a bad idea even for a regular habit, but it's even more important when you feel a sickness possibly coming on. I also drink a lot of other teas too such as Rooibos tea, which is thought to be even higher in antioxidants than green tea.
5. Loading up on antioxidants
We already know how important antioxidants are to overall health as well as immune system support.
For this reason, I make sure to really load up on antioxidant-rich fruits, berries, unsweetened cocoa (in smoothies, etc), and veggies to help prevent sickness.
I also make sure to take my daily Longevity Antioxidant blend from my friends at Prograde, which is a powerful synergistic antioxidant mixture of green tea, wolfberry, acai berry, Biovin grape, coffeeberry, and pomegranate.
I get that here: Prograde Longevity Synergistic Antioxidant blend
6. Light exercise (yes - light exercise, not hard)
When you feel a sickness coming on, a super-high intensity workout is not a good idea, as hard training forces the body to do a lot of recovery, this at a time when your body needs all of it's efforts on trying to fight off the oncoming sickness.
Although I usually recommend high intensity training, when sickness might be coming on, it's just a good idea to get some light exercise instead.
Personally, I like to get outside for some fresh air and go for a hike or go snowshoeing. These aren't very strenuous for me, so they won't cause my body to be forced to do a lot of recovery... but just getting out in the fresh air and getting the circulation going I feel is good to help the body fight off the sickness.
7. Avoid ALL processed foods and sweetened soft drinks
If you're serious about your health and getting lean for life, this should be an everyday rule for you anyway (except maybe for cheat meals)...
However, when you might have a sickness coming on, this is no time to bombard your body with processed foods, inflammatory omega-6 oils (soybean oil, corn oil, etc), fried foods, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, and chemical additives.
All of these force your body to do extra work to deal with all of this junk and the internal inflammation that they cause in your body.
Instead, this is a time that you need to give your body only wholesome unprocessed foods that are only 1 ingredient...fruits, berries, veggies, eggs, nuts, seeds, grass-fed meats, etc.
I also have a daily serving of immune system boosting Athletic Greens, which is surprisingly delicious, plus contains loads of probiotics and antioxidants, and other immune supporting superfoods.
These 7 tips will go a LONG way to helping to ward off that sickness that is trying to get a hold of you... Here's to a healthy strong body!
Note: I'm not a doctor, and none of these tips are prescriptions for any individual person... they are simply the steps I've personally used over the years to successfully fight off sickness pretty much every single time. Again, I haven't been legitimately sick in at LEAST 6 or 7 years now that I use these steps!
Please feel free to share this page with your friends and family to keep them healthy and strong!
by Mike Geary - Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs
Note: The tips in this article can work anytime of the year to keep you healthy and prevent you from getting sick...not just in the winter!
First of all, let's clear up a BIG misconception about why more people get sick in the winters compared to warmer times of the year. I always have to bit my tongue when I hear well intentioned mothers and grandmothers tell their kids to "bundle up" before going outside so that they don't "catch a cold". So many people still have this huge misconception that cold temperatures can make you sick...
In fact, did you know that there are multiple studies that actually show that cold exposure increases your immunity? It's true! One study I read recently even showed that cold therapy such as ice water baths or other cold water exposure stimulates an improvement in your immune system.
So are there really more germs and cold & flu viruses floating around in the winter? No, of course not! In fact, some medical articles I've read have indicated that there might actually be a slightly larger amount of cold and flu viruses all around us in the summer due to more favorable conditions for their survival on surfaces. So then why do more people get sick in the winter? Well, I'll give you a hint... it's not the temperature, but rather the strength of the suns rays... In winter in the northern hemisphere (Canada, US, Europe, etc) sicknesses spike, but at the same time, it's summer in the southern hemisphere (South America, Australia, New Zealand, etc), and while sicknesses are spiking in the northern hemisphere, sicknesses are at their lowest point in the southern hemisphere since it's their summer.
So is it the warm temperatures that decreases sickness? Nope... It's actually all about the strength of the suns rays, and how much vitamin D your body produces due to the UV rays on your skin!
There are 2 theories that many people pass around as to why more colds, flu, and sickness occur in the winter depending on which part of the world you're in...
Theory 1. It may have to do with people generally spending more time indoors in the winter and thereby being exposed to more germs in enclosed buildings. It's a nice theory, but people are generally still in offices from 9-5 all week long whether it's summer or winter. As you'll see, theory 2 is the REAL culprit!
Theory 2. The reason people get sick more in the winter is mostly due to a drastic reduction in their body's production of Vitamin D, which is directly responsible for how strong their immune system is.
The suns rays are too weak in the winter generally, and therefore, Vitamin D levels in the body drop significantly, which reduces immunity. Most people don't realize how important sunlight and Vitamin D levels really are towards so many functions inside their body, including immune system and hormone production and balance.
Even for people that get outdoors in the winter often, if you live in the northern hemisphere to the North of an imaginary line from approximately Atlanta to Los Angeles, the suns rays are not strong enough in the winter months (approximately November through end of February) to stimulate any significant Vitamin D production inside your body.
This aspect of lack of Vitamin D production and lowered immune strength in the winter months is what is actually the REAL reason why more sickness goes around in the winter. So you can silently chuckle to yourself the next time someone tells you to "bundle up" so you don't catch a cold.
So how can you bolster your immune system so that your body can fight off sickness before it gets a hold of you?
So here is my little ritual that I've been using for a few years now and really seems to keep me from getting any colds, flu, or any sickness at all.
As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I was legitimately sick. I think it's been 6 or 7 years since I've actually been sick.
Every time I feel a cold or something starting to come on, I do this ritual, strengthen my immune system, and my body always fights it off before I actually get full-blown sick.
1. Focus on Vitamin D (but NOT in pill form or "fortified" foods)
You need to be careful about artificial forms of vitamin D in many vitamin pills, as artificial vitamin forms are almost always either ineffective or possibly even detrimental compared to natural forms. For this reason, you need to get your vitamin D naturally. The sun is the best source, and leads to a powerful strengthening of your immune system when your body can naturally produce Vitamin D from moderate sun exposure. Here is a previous article I did on how to get sun exposure in a healthy way without damaging your skin I know not everybody can take a tropical vacation every winter, but if you can, it's best to try to take it right smack dab in the middle of the winter (when your vitamin D levels have dropped to their lowest)... getting even a few days of good sun closer to the equator in the middle of winter can really help increase your vitamin D and strengthen your immune system.
Remember that this does NOT mean getting burned in the sun... it means getting a moderate amount of sun on large portions of your body (not just your face) for approx 15-40 minutes per day WITHOUT sunscreen on (since sunscreen blocks the UV rays that directly stimulate the vitamin D increase in your body).
Everybody is different based on their skin tone... very pale skin tones may only need 10 minutes or so in full sun in the middle of the day to get adequate vitamin D before any skin damage occurs, but darker skin tones may need a slightly longer time (sometimes 30-40 minutes) in the sun to produce adequate vitamin D. To protect your skin, it's essential to get enough sun without sunscreen on, but NOT get burned.
With that said, I understand that a tropical vacation in the winter is not possible for everybody's schedule based on either work or finances, so...
Since you may not be going on a tropical vacation this winter, how can you still keep Vitamin D levels from falling dangerously low in your body?
Well, the best food sources of natural Vitamin D are egg yolks, fatty fish, organ meats, and some mushrooms (some portobella mushrooms and maitake mushroom are fairly good sources of vitamin D).
But what I do to make sure I'm at least getting a decent amount of the best absorbed vitamin D is to take a SMALL dose of cod liver oil daily in the deepest months of winter to make sure my vitamin D levels don't fall too low. Make sure to take only small doses of cod liver oil (enough for 50% to 100% DV of vitamin D), as large doses can give you an overdose of Vitamin A. I take about half to 2/3rds of the recommended dose on the bottle.
I'm also a big fan of Prograde Nutrition's natural VGF-25 multi-vitamin, which derives it's vitamin D from natural fish liver oil instead of a synthetic form of vitamin D. All of the other vitamins in VGF-25 (which stands for "25 veggies, greens, and fruits") are naturally derived too instead of most multi-vitamins that you find at your corner store that are synthetic.
FYI - The synthetic version of Vitamin D is ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), while the natural form is cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). By the way, fortified milk has added D2, not D3... so that's NOT a good source. In fact, I don't trust any "fortified" foods at all, including crappy breakfast cereals which claim to be good sources of vitamin D... not so!
2. Garlic to strengthen your immune system!
Garlic is one of the most potent of all superfoods! Not only does high dose garlic go back thousands of years for treatment of sickness, but recent studies back up the legendary claims for boosting your immune system.
What's best though -- "aged" garlic pills, whole garlic in foods, capsules, etc? I can't seem to find a consensus on this one, so what I simply try to do is use a variety of sources, including garlic powder on a lot of my foods, fresh chopped garlic in meals, and also a garlic capsule or two each day. If I feel a possible cold or sickness coming on, I really start loading garlic into my foods heavily and I take a few extra garlic capsules that day too.
3. Kombucha tea strengthens immune system
Kombucha tea is a fermented tea (naturally effervescent) that contains billions of friendly gut organisms (probiotics) that help to strengthen your immune system by bolstering your levels of good organisms in your gut.
Remember that 70% of your immune system lies in your gut and the health of the friendly organisms in there to protect you against pathogens and sickness. You can find bottles of Kombucha tea at health food stores such as Whole Foods. When I feel any sickness coming on, I start loading up on Kombucha tea, drinking it throughout the day. It has a strong taste, so I mix it with my normal iced teas at 1/3 Kombucha and 2/3 regular iced tea. I've started seeing other probiotic drinks on the market recently too, so just make sure to look for one that has very minimal sugar per serving (3-6 grams per 8 oz serving is acceptable, but much more than that is too sugary).
4. Green tea, Chamomile Tea, and other teas
There is evidence that green tea and chamomile tea can help aid in strengthening the immune system.
Even if the effect is small, you can't go wrong because both are loaded with powerful antioxidants unique to each tea. For that reason, I try to drink a couple cups of green tea with a small bit of raw honey early in the day, and then at night, I have a couple cups of chamomile tea.
This isn't a bad idea even for a regular habit, but it's even more important when you feel a sickness possibly coming on. I also drink a lot of other teas too such as Rooibos tea, which is thought to be even higher in antioxidants than green tea.
5. Loading up on antioxidants
We already know how important antioxidants are to overall health as well as immune system support.
For this reason, I make sure to really load up on antioxidant-rich fruits, berries, unsweetened cocoa (in smoothies, etc), and veggies to help prevent sickness.
I also make sure to take my daily Longevity Antioxidant blend from my friends at Prograde, which is a powerful synergistic antioxidant mixture of green tea, wolfberry, acai berry, Biovin grape, coffeeberry, and pomegranate.
I get that here: Prograde Longevity Synergistic Antioxidant blend
6. Light exercise (yes - light exercise, not hard)
When you feel a sickness coming on, a super-high intensity workout is not a good idea, as hard training forces the body to do a lot of recovery, this at a time when your body needs all of it's efforts on trying to fight off the oncoming sickness.
Although I usually recommend high intensity training, when sickness might be coming on, it's just a good idea to get some light exercise instead.
Personally, I like to get outside for some fresh air and go for a hike or go snowshoeing. These aren't very strenuous for me, so they won't cause my body to be forced to do a lot of recovery... but just getting out in the fresh air and getting the circulation going I feel is good to help the body fight off the sickness.
7. Avoid ALL processed foods and sweetened soft drinks
If you're serious about your health and getting lean for life, this should be an everyday rule for you anyway (except maybe for cheat meals)...
However, when you might have a sickness coming on, this is no time to bombard your body with processed foods, inflammatory omega-6 oils (soybean oil, corn oil, etc), fried foods, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, and chemical additives.
All of these force your body to do extra work to deal with all of this junk and the internal inflammation that they cause in your body.
Instead, this is a time that you need to give your body only wholesome unprocessed foods that are only 1 ingredient...fruits, berries, veggies, eggs, nuts, seeds, grass-fed meats, etc.
I also have a daily serving of immune system boosting Athletic Greens, which is surprisingly delicious, plus contains loads of probiotics and antioxidants, and other immune supporting superfoods.
These 7 tips will go a LONG way to helping to ward off that sickness that is trying to get a hold of you... Here's to a healthy strong body!
Note: I'm not a doctor, and none of these tips are prescriptions for any individual person... they are simply the steps I've personally used over the years to successfully fight off sickness pretty much every single time. Again, I haven't been legitimately sick in at LEAST 6 or 7 years now that I use these steps!
Please feel free to share this page with your friends and family to keep them healthy and strong!
How to : 4 Facts On How To Lose Weight Fast
1 - It's harder to lose weight when you're over 45 than when you are younger TRUE
Yes, as the clock ticks ahead each day, your ability to lose fat and build muscle becomes more difficult (if only we could stay 17 our whole lives…).
With advanced age, comes hormonal alterations that cause increased fat storage and decreased muscle growth.
We also have to battle elevated free radical damage, due to both environmental and chemical stress, that promotes depressed metabolic activity in addition to joint pain and excess muscle soreness, making exercise harder and less enjoyable.
Finally, as we age, our lifestyles become much more sedentary and full of roadblocks to healthy eating and consistent exercise.
But, with all this said, you can lose fat and weight as long as you stay committed and find ways to exercise and eat well all the time no matter what barrier comes in your way. As the popular saying goes: When the going gets tough, you must get tougher! Don’t give up and the positive results will come.
2- Sugar-free foods are best for weight loss FALSE
Hopefully in this day and age, people have figured out that sugar-free labeled foods are not helpful for weight loss. In fact, recent studies show that people who consistently consume some artificial sweeteners have higher body fat levels and more problems with their body weight than people who do not use these chemicals.
Artificial sweeteners may still be registered by the brain as a sweet food, which elicits a sweet response in the body; this may lead to greater hunger later in the day and more fat storage for certain people.
If your goal is to lose fat and curb your sweet tooth, then your best bet is to eliminate all foods with a sweet taste (other than natural fruit), and your body will look and feel better, while eliminating sweet cravings that cause you to crave bad foods.
3 - Counting calories will help you lose weight and keep it off FALSE
Although caloric balance is important for weight loss, physically counting calories puts a stress on us that eventually leads to greater weight problems down the road.
Known as cognitive dietary restraint, people that put their body through this stress of counting every calorie, weighing every food portion, and analyzing every meal, cause damage to their metabolisms and normal hormonal balance, which lands them with more body fat than less.
The smarter way to lose weight and body fat long term is to learn what healthy foods to eat all the time and allow yourself to eat some foods you know are bad, but not go overboard.
4 - You can't gain muscle and lose fat while dieting FALSE
It is actually very possible to gain muscle while losing fat in a weight loss situation. Scientists from University of Connecticut conducted a 12-week weight loss study where men either consumed a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet while they weight trained 3 days per week. During this time, several of the men following the low-carbohydrate diet gained muscle and lost fat while decreasing their body weight, as seen by DEXA evaluations (the gold standard of body composition evaluation).
The key thing to losing fat and increasing body muscle while losing weight, is that you must add resistance-training exercise to maintain and build muscle.
Then you have to eat a diet rich in complete proteins, healthy essential fats, and fibrous carbohydrates, so that you’re providing your body with the building blocks for muscle and the energy to burn fat.
You can still look good and look even better while losing weight, but your diet and type of training must be right for your body.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Be Careful With Diet Pills
If you are a person who has struggled with their weight and has a BMI, or body mass index, above a 27, the idea of a pill helping you lose weight is very appealing. Taking diet pills seem to be the quick fix to helping obese persons lose weight. There are advantages to taking diet pills, but you have to weigh these benefits with the potential dangers of taking diet pills.
Some things you have to be careful about when taking diet pills are:
· Dangerous side effects and drug interactions – Some prescription diet drugs are very strong. Possible side effects occur in almost all prescription medications, and some can be very serious in nature. Each diet pill has its own unique set of side effect warnings, but some of the more commonly listed side effects are dry mouth, sleeplessness, irritability, upset stomach and constipation. You also have to look at the possibility of drug interactions between the diet pills and other medications you are taking. If you have any other health issues, the taking of diet pills may cause serious consequences when combined with other medications.
· The potential for becoming dependant of the diet pills – There are many diet pills that can become habit forming. Some prescription diet pills are stimulant-based and can be abused by users. This abuse can lead to dependence, just as with any other strong medication. Make sure to talk with your doctor if he decides to put you on a diet prescription that has been shown to be habit-forming. Find out what signs you should look for to indicate if you are having a problem.
· The potential of the diet pills disrupting regular metabolism – Since prescription diet drugs main purpose is to suppress appetite, the person taking diet pills may find themselves consuming many less calories than normal. This is good for losing weight on the surface, but ultimately will lead to your natural metabolism to slow down. When your natural metabolism slows, so does the rate in which you lose weight. That is why people who take diet drugs find they only lose a finite amount of weight when they take diet pills alone.
In order for diet pills to work for you, the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. Find ways to change your lifestyle on top of the taking of the diet drugs to help you lose weight. Regular exercise, changing food choices, and regular check-ups with your doctor are great ways to increase your weight loss success.
Basics of Losing Weight
Failed diets and out of control obesity may lead you to believe that losing weight is difficult but it is quite easy, at least on paper. The only thing you need to do is keep the calories that you burn greater than the calories that you eat. So why is this article so long?
Your first step is to figure out how many calories you are burning each day. There are a few formulas that have come out over the years that estimate how many calories you burn per day based on your sex, age, weight, height and physical activity. When using these formulas, keep in mind that the number you get gives you an estimate not a number that never changes day to day. It will fluctuate.
Safe weight loss is considered 1-2 pounds per week. While it is possible to lose more, it is extremely unhealthy to do so. So how many calories do you actually have to cut out of your diet? One pound of body fat equals about 3500 calories. If you want to lose one pound in a week, you need to cut 3500 calories out of your diet per week. While this might sound like a lot, per day it comes out to a 500 calorie deficit.
Your next step is to ask yourself how you want to get rid of any unwanted weight. You can cut 500 calories out of your diet per day, or increase the amount of calories you burn by 500 calories per day. A combination of these two methods is the best way to go.
58 BEST Foods For Protein
Today I want to talk about my Thermal Burn Technique to burn a LOT more calories during the day—I’m talking about up to 30% more calories from some foods. I also want to review my favorite high-protein foods.
My Thermal burn Technique works like this: Nutrient-dense foods tend to be more complex. Take proteins, for instance. It takes more energy for your body to digest and use proteins than it does for simpler foods like sugars. The thermic effect of protein is the highest of all foods.
After eating protein, your metabolic rate will increase by approximately 17 to 30 percent. In other words, if you eat 100 calories of protein, 17 to 30 of those will be burned just digesting and using the protein. By comparison, the thermic effect of carbohydrates is typically around 10 percent, and fat is just 5 percent.
Proteins are primarily used as our bodies— building blocks. They are most abundant in animal products—lean meats, egg whites, and low-fat cottage cheese are great protein sources. (Protein is also found, to a lesser degree, in beans, nuts, and various grains for you vegetarians out there.) Proteins are found in every cell in our bodies. Our muscles, hair, skin, nails, hormones, and blood all contain protein. And protein is extremely important both to our overall immunity and health.
Protein is also an extremely important (but often overlooked) fat-loss nutrient. Why? Proteins (along with resistance exercise) actually help your body change shape by adding muscle and increasing your metabolism. Remember, the point isn’t just to lose weight. The point is to lose fat, and increase muscle.
Now the point isn’t to eat a diet of all protein, not at all. My point is not to skip protein as part of each meal.
With all is this in mind, here are my top recommended high-protein foods. Please be sure to choose grass feed beef, cage-free chicken meat and eggs, and other organic meats whenever possible to avoid hormones and other unnatural additives.
Hope you enjoyed this valuable information!
Best of Health,
Coach Josh
P.S. Keep reading if you’re looking for a delicious source of protein at 15% OFF.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
21 expert diet tips
The best in the business reveal what you should know about losing weight...
Cheenu Prashar, Consultant Dietician, Max Healthcare
What's the difference between a healthy diet and a dangerous one, a workable one and one that sees you secretly stuffing your face with chocolate cake just two days after you promised not to. Tried and tested expert advice, that's what. So, in honour of that little black dress you've been dying to fit into, we asked 6 diet and nutrition experts for their top tips on getting rid of those extra kilos. And no, there's no carb-hating or mealmissing involved...
1. I never skip breakfast as it can leave one hungry, tired and looking for less healthy food later in the day. I begin my day with high-fibre, low-fat breakfast of porridge, muesli, oats, wholewheat bread, and sprouts.
2. Another reason not to miss brekky: it takes care of indigestion, which occurs when you skip a meal or overeat. A light lemony drink after meals also aids in better digestion.
3. I look for ways to walk and move around every minutes during the day. Taking the stairs more often and parking farther away from your destination, going and grabbing a glass of water on my own, are simple ways to stay active.
Kiran Sawhney, nutritionist
1. Consistence, dedication and strong willpower in following a fitness regime is what works. We are disciplined for a bit, and then tend to binge, which ruins the entire rhythm. Build your willpower by achieving small missions every day.
2. Adopt a variety of fitness regimes, on different days. If you do kickboxing one day, try pilates, walking, swimming and aerobics on other days of the week so you don't get bored.
3. Cardio is very important as it tones up your system. Exercise is a great way to cut flab, but you must get a personal trainer, who will teach you the right techniques to aid weight loss. They may be expensive, but they are worth it.
Reeta Shankar, dietician
1. Should start their day with protein so that there is no extra insulin in the system. I have egg white, milk and sprouts or cottage cheese, oats and bran, so that my body gets the right complex carbs.
2. The aim is to stay full for as long as possible, so mix some moong dal into your flour. It is quite filling and will cut your craving for big meals or snacking.
3. Dinner should always be light, so try grilled chicken or just a soup. Veggies are ideal they're light on the system and natural. Eat as much as you like.
Shikha Sharma, dietician
1. I think skipping alcohol is one of the best way to stay fit and healthy. Alcohol has empty calories and no nutritional benefit. It also stimulates appetite and interferes with your sleep. A loss-loss, really.
2. Instead of a sugary treat, which you may want to indulge in after a meal, try a fruit instead. Fruits satisfy a sweet tooth in the same way cake might, but it's much healthier.
3. Liquid food is a great way to lose weight. Soups and juices give you instant energy without the carbs, plus they nourish the body. However, a liquid diet doesn't work for everybody, so consult your doctor before starting one.
Ishi Khosla, dietician
1. I typically avoid sugar in my drinks, or restrict it to a small spoon in my morning tea. Sugar is empty, fattening calories, so large quantities are best avoided. To cut your intake, watch out for the worst offenders: drinks and baked goods.
2. Not having big meals at night is a perfect way to cut calories. Towards the end of the day, your metabolism slows down, so stick to small portions and light foods.
3. Fill up your plate with veggies instead of starchy stuff, which will make you feel awfully full and add calories. If possible, make yourself an organic meal it's light, and great for your body.
Rachna Sethi, nutritionist
1. Increase your fibre intake by eating whole foods and grains instead of processed foods. Avoid white rice and refined cereals.
2. Substitute junk food with homemade, healthy snacks. You can make burgers or pizzas at home, which will not have trans fatty acids. You can also attempt continental style idlisinstead of sambhar, have it with green veggies.
3. Add soyabean to your diet and have it at least once in a week as it helps strengthen the bones. You can boil soya, make it into a paste and add it in your meals, or just have soya milk (especially great for those who want to keep fit the right way, without skipping meals or starving). Soya has many nutrients, as does tofu, which you stock at home.
Kajal Pandya, nutritionist, Vedanta, MediCity
1. Have lots of fruits and salads, as they have antioxidants and minerals which boost your body, plus they are low in fat and calories. They also eliminate wastes quickly and help reduce cravings for sweets.
2. Drink lots of waterit removes toxins and helps cushion your joints. Studies have also proven that a low consumption of water allows more fat to be deposited instead of being metabolized into energy.
3. Scientists have discovered that stress could make you gain weight. Relaxation is the key to many health problems, so indulge in daily meditation.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Bariatric Surgery Improving Mortality Rates of Obesity-Related Diseases
We knew that gastric bypass and Lap Band surgery are beneficial for battling obesity and its co-morbidities. But what is more exciting is the number of journal articles that are reporting the extent of improvement in both medical and psychological quality of life. Did you know that the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most highly respected medical journals reported that gastric bypass not only improves cause related mortality from coronary artery disease by 56% and diabetes by 92%, but also Cancer? Yes, cancer mortality also improves after gastric bypass. When comparing nearly 8,000 patients who had gastric bypass with ~ 8,000 patients of comparable sex, age and before surgery BMI the mortality from Cancer was 60% less. The numbers are astounding.
Losing weight may make you healthier but it also improves your social life? This is reported in a renowned journal, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. A study in 2007 showed that significant changes in BMI secondary to weight loss surgery increased employment and subjects living in partnership, improved eating behavior, reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms. All this, to complement improvements in your health! Local weight loss surgery Los Angeles patients have achieved incredibly successful and life-changing results not just in their appearance, but also in self-esteem, social and health related issues as well.
Dr. Mark Paya at the California Surgical Weight Loss Center performs Los Angeles bariatric surgery including Lap Band, sleeve gastrectomy procedures, and laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery Los Angeles. They have a multidisciplinary service which includes dietician, psychologist, physical therapist and subspecialists such as gastrointestinology, pulmonary, cardiology and endocrine. They have centers in Glendale, West Hills / Woodland Hills, Northridge, and Los Angeles.
Losing weight may make you healthier but it also improves your social life? This is reported in a renowned journal, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. A study in 2007 showed that significant changes in BMI secondary to weight loss surgery increased employment and subjects living in partnership, improved eating behavior, reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms. All this, to complement improvements in your health! Local weight loss surgery Los Angeles patients have achieved incredibly successful and life-changing results not just in their appearance, but also in self-esteem, social and health related issues as well.
Dr. Mark Paya at the California Surgical Weight Loss Center performs Los Angeles bariatric surgery including Lap Band, sleeve gastrectomy procedures, and laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery Los Angeles. They have a multidisciplinary service which includes dietician, psychologist, physical therapist and subspecialists such as gastrointestinology, pulmonary, cardiology and endocrine. They have centers in Glendale, West Hills / Woodland Hills, Northridge, and Los Angeles.
Bariatric Surgery Costs
The cost of Bariatric surgery can be quite high. The typical price of an operation can be $25,000 or more. Medical insurance coverage varies by state and insurance provider, and although some states have legislation in place that requires insurers to offer weight loss surgery for patients, providing it meets health criteria laid down by the National Institutes of Health, other states do not. This means that patients who would benefit from bariatric surgery often have to contend with providers that have not yet accepted that this kind of weight loss surgery can deliver powerful medical benefits that will save them money in the long run. A patient encountering this problem may have to work with his or her surgeon to prove to the health insurance provider that the proposed surgery is not a cosmetic procedure, but a potentially life-saving operation that will minimize future health problems.
Individuals who are interested in bariatric surgery and are on Medicare will be glad to know that it covers weight loss surgery for morbidly obese patients with an obesity-related or condition. Morbid obesity is defined as 100 or more pounds overweight or a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more.
Of course, the costs do not end once a patient successfully undergoes bariatric surgery. Because weight loss can be significant, many individuals are left with loose, sagging skin that no longer has the elasticity to fit the new, slimmer shape. Since neither exercise nor diet will help tighten loose skin, many bariatric patients choose plastic surgery as a remedy. The cost of bariatric-related plastic surgery operations can vary significantly, depending on the patient’s condition, complications, the type of anesthesia, and other factors.
Some of the more popular post-bariatric surgery procedures include: abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), body lift (circumferential panniculectomy), brachioplasty (arm lift), breast lift, augmentation, or reduction, face and/or neck lift, and thigh lift.
Individuals who are interested in bariatric surgery and are on Medicare will be glad to know that it covers weight loss surgery for morbidly obese patients with an obesity-related or condition. Morbid obesity is defined as 100 or more pounds overweight or a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more.
Of course, the costs do not end once a patient successfully undergoes bariatric surgery. Because weight loss can be significant, many individuals are left with loose, sagging skin that no longer has the elasticity to fit the new, slimmer shape. Since neither exercise nor diet will help tighten loose skin, many bariatric patients choose plastic surgery as a remedy. The cost of bariatric-related plastic surgery operations can vary significantly, depending on the patient’s condition, complications, the type of anesthesia, and other factors.
Some of the more popular post-bariatric surgery procedures include: abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), body lift (circumferential panniculectomy), brachioplasty (arm lift), breast lift, augmentation, or reduction, face and/or neck lift, and thigh lift.
Bariatric surgery & early death
Weight loss surgeries have witnessed huge popularity in recent times. The number of stomach-shrinking operations, a type of bariatric surgery meant for severely obese people has skyrocketed in recent years. Few celebrities of Hollywood have also opted for this form of surgery to curtail obesity.
But there are various risks associated with these surgeries especially for elderly people and those suffering from heart disease. At times, it can result in early death. Patients aged 65 or older face a nearly threefold increase in the risk of early mortality according to latest findings. It has been found that men are nearly twice as likely to die following such procedures as opposed to women. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 5% of men and nearly 3% of women aged 35 to 44 years were dead within a year of having the surgery and a slightly higher rate were found in patients aged between 45 to 54.
Bariatric surgery is a complicated procedure therefore a surgeon requires prior experience to perform it properly. Patients whose surgeons had performed fewer than 20 procedures were nearly five times as likely to die within 30 days after the operation as compared to others. Despite the greater risk associated with it, bariatric surgery can be a safe and effective tool for morbidly obese people, who face serious health problems if they don't lose weight.
Things you need to know about bariatric surgery
1.Bariatric surgery is not an easy option for obesity sufferers as it carries the usual pain and risks of any major gastrointestinal surgical operation.
2.Bariatric surgery requires changes in eating habits therefore after having bariatric surgery; patients remain at a lifelong risk of nutritional deficiencies.
3.Bariatric Surgery is best suited for morbidly obese people.
4.High amount of motivation is required to make the surgery a success.
5.This procedure is costly as compared to other weight loss techniques.
Therefore, be well informed about the surgery you want to opt for as it can make weight loss an easy and safe affair for you.
But there are various risks associated with these surgeries especially for elderly people and those suffering from heart disease. At times, it can result in early death. Patients aged 65 or older face a nearly threefold increase in the risk of early mortality according to latest findings. It has been found that men are nearly twice as likely to die following such procedures as opposed to women. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 5% of men and nearly 3% of women aged 35 to 44 years were dead within a year of having the surgery and a slightly higher rate were found in patients aged between 45 to 54.
Bariatric surgery is a complicated procedure therefore a surgeon requires prior experience to perform it properly. Patients whose surgeons had performed fewer than 20 procedures were nearly five times as likely to die within 30 days after the operation as compared to others. Despite the greater risk associated with it, bariatric surgery can be a safe and effective tool for morbidly obese people, who face serious health problems if they don't lose weight.
Things you need to know about bariatric surgery
1.Bariatric surgery is not an easy option for obesity sufferers as it carries the usual pain and risks of any major gastrointestinal surgical operation.
2.Bariatric surgery requires changes in eating habits therefore after having bariatric surgery; patients remain at a lifelong risk of nutritional deficiencies.
3.Bariatric Surgery is best suited for morbidly obese people.
4.High amount of motivation is required to make the surgery a success.
5.This procedure is costly as compared to other weight loss techniques.
Therefore, be well informed about the surgery you want to opt for as it can make weight loss an easy and safe affair for you.
Avoid the "Take-Home-Box" Overload
After you’ve had the RNY surgery, there is one thing you immediately begin to notice.. and that’s what I call the “Take-Home Box Overload”. This is what happens inside your refrigerator as a result of you brining home all of those take-home boxes from restaurants because you cannot finish the meal. Even prior to surgery, you couldn’t often finish the meal when some restaurants serve such large portions. So packing up the leftovers after an eat-out meal seems natural to you, so you do it often.
PROBLEM ONE: The Take-Home Boxes can actually establish huge neighborhoods inside your fridge!
PROBLEM TWO: You feel you MUST NOT throw all of that food out because you have been taught from the early days of your crib that you SHALL NOT WASTE FOOD because of all the starving children elsewhere who certainly would appreciate the food you are wasting, right? Frankly, when you heard that guilt-phrase that was supposed to motivate you to gobble up, didn’t you feel even MORE compelled NOT to finish eating and MAIL your uneaten portion to those starving children? I never really understood that philosophy of telling me I better eat because some poor children don’t have enough to eat…. A puzzlement.
PROBLEM THREE: Because of the guilt, you decide that you’ll just “snack” on the food in the take-home boxes. So you snack, snack again, snack some more, and HOORAY… you’ve eaten everything in the box and you didn’t waste the food! OH, but you’ve done yourself a BAD turn!
Bad turn? How?
Let’s consider that the food in that take-home box could contain 1500 to 2000 calories. So what? Well, when you eat those leftovers, you are consuming those ADDITIONAL 1500 to 2000 calories that you DON’T need in your eating routine… especially if you eat them as SNACKS and not meals. It is a DANGEROUS thing to leave those take-home boxes in the fridge when they scream at you to be consumed. Don’t listen to them!
Here’s what you need to do instead:
If you truly plan on eating the leftovers as “another meal portion”, then you should wrap them according and place them in your FREEZER for eating LATER. You know that adage, “out of sight, out of mind?”… well, this is that basic concept. By doing this regularly, you’ll be able to rotate your frozen meal portions for a better variety rather than eating the leftovers time after time. How appealing is it to eat six servings of chili in a row? It’s not… so freeze the portions and eat them later.
The FREEZER is your solution to curb the “snacking” out of those take-home boxes. So use it as your new best friend, you new best meal-planner buddy, and your calorie-saver!
Getting use to the idea of tossing out food is a hard one, but it’s something you have to get used to as well. The dog or cat will always be there to volunteer to eat what you can’t’, and the animals will show you a deeper devotion that ever imaginable! And your household loved ones often appreciate you giving them an open invitation to anything they find in the take-home boxes.
Get a grip on this early so you won’t sabotage yourself with those additional calories that will creep up on you if you fall pray to snacking or through guilt-eating. As an RNY patient, you are only to consume a minimal amount of calories anyway.. so don’t fall into the trap of eating more than you need. This could be a factor as to why you seem to not be losing enough weight or why you are gaining some back after awhile.
Bottom Line: Take-Home Boxes can be Dangerous… Tame them before they do you harm!
PROBLEM ONE: The Take-Home Boxes can actually establish huge neighborhoods inside your fridge!
PROBLEM TWO: You feel you MUST NOT throw all of that food out because you have been taught from the early days of your crib that you SHALL NOT WASTE FOOD because of all the starving children elsewhere who certainly would appreciate the food you are wasting, right? Frankly, when you heard that guilt-phrase that was supposed to motivate you to gobble up, didn’t you feel even MORE compelled NOT to finish eating and MAIL your uneaten portion to those starving children? I never really understood that philosophy of telling me I better eat because some poor children don’t have enough to eat…. A puzzlement.
PROBLEM THREE: Because of the guilt, you decide that you’ll just “snack” on the food in the take-home boxes. So you snack, snack again, snack some more, and HOORAY… you’ve eaten everything in the box and you didn’t waste the food! OH, but you’ve done yourself a BAD turn!
Bad turn? How?
Let’s consider that the food in that take-home box could contain 1500 to 2000 calories. So what? Well, when you eat those leftovers, you are consuming those ADDITIONAL 1500 to 2000 calories that you DON’T need in your eating routine… especially if you eat them as SNACKS and not meals. It is a DANGEROUS thing to leave those take-home boxes in the fridge when they scream at you to be consumed. Don’t listen to them!
Here’s what you need to do instead:
If you truly plan on eating the leftovers as “another meal portion”, then you should wrap them according and place them in your FREEZER for eating LATER. You know that adage, “out of sight, out of mind?”… well, this is that basic concept. By doing this regularly, you’ll be able to rotate your frozen meal portions for a better variety rather than eating the leftovers time after time. How appealing is it to eat six servings of chili in a row? It’s not… so freeze the portions and eat them later.
The FREEZER is your solution to curb the “snacking” out of those take-home boxes. So use it as your new best friend, you new best meal-planner buddy, and your calorie-saver!
Getting use to the idea of tossing out food is a hard one, but it’s something you have to get used to as well. The dog or cat will always be there to volunteer to eat what you can’t’, and the animals will show you a deeper devotion that ever imaginable! And your household loved ones often appreciate you giving them an open invitation to anything they find in the take-home boxes.
Get a grip on this early so you won’t sabotage yourself with those additional calories that will creep up on you if you fall pray to snacking or through guilt-eating. As an RNY patient, you are only to consume a minimal amount of calories anyway.. so don’t fall into the trap of eating more than you need. This could be a factor as to why you seem to not be losing enough weight or why you are gaining some back after awhile.
Bottom Line: Take-Home Boxes can be Dangerous… Tame them before they do you harm!
Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
As the holidays approach, a feeling of dread creeps in. Not only is money getting tighter, but your pants are, too. It's the same old story. Colder weather keeps you stuck indoors, while the yummy holiday cooking fattens you up. Not this year. Not me! I refuse to gain those holiday pounds and you can, too. No, you don't have to sign any contracts at an expensive gym. You can get the body you want on a limited budget.
You may not realize it, but workout videos are more fun and exciting than they used to be.
Workout videos are also much less expensive than a gym membership or buying home workout equipment like a treadmill or elliptical trainer.
If the thought of buying workout videos reminds you of leg warmers and striped leotards, you've got some catching up to do. You're not stuck with the boring workout videos of the 80s and 90s anymore. Believe it or not, the same sought-after trainers who get paid the big bucks to train celebrities can be on call to train you in your own home for pennies a day.
Some of the newest fitness trends are available on video.
Have you always envied a ballet dancer's lean and graceful body? Several ballet videos are now available as workout videos. One of the most popular choices right now was created by the famous New York City Ballet. Although you won't learn to be the next prima ballerina training with exercise video at home, you will shape and lengthen your muscles for a graceful body.
Belly Dancing:
Shimmy your way to a great waistline. Whether you want an instructional video to teach you proper belly dancing technique or you just want to exercise with belly dance moves, you'll find a wide variety of videos available.
Exotic Dancing:
You read that right. If you've ever thought it would be fun to learn sexy moves, then this is for you. In the privacy and safety of your own home, you can bump and gyrate to your heart's content. I have also heard that laughter is good for your abs, so you'll have that covered as well, especially if you have a mirror in your workout room.
Yoga or Pilates:
If you're looking for a sleek, lean body, firm core, or more flexibility, then there are hundreds of yoga and Pilates videos to choose from. You'll find yoga for adults as well as yoga for kids. Yes, kids get stressed, too. Yoga is a great way to teach them to relax.
Fitness videos for kids:
Oftentimes kids can be the best motivators. If you put in a Sesame Street dance video and your three year old asks you to dance with Elmo, you can hardly say "no".
Once you've chosen a trend or video you are interested in, set a specific time each day to "meet" with your personal trainer. It's best to rotate at least two different forms of exercise (or videos) to avoid repetitive use strains. You can do different videos each day, or alternate a walk, bike ride or other activity you enjoy on your non-video days. As long as you are moving, you're keeping those spare pounds from firmly attaching to your body.
So, don't sign that costly gym membership agreement just yet. Blow the dust off the exercise videos in your cabinet, get some good walking shoes, or check out the hottest trends at your favorite online store. It's the frugal way to go.
You may not realize it, but workout videos are more fun and exciting than they used to be.
Workout videos are also much less expensive than a gym membership or buying home workout equipment like a treadmill or elliptical trainer.
If the thought of buying workout videos reminds you of leg warmers and striped leotards, you've got some catching up to do. You're not stuck with the boring workout videos of the 80s and 90s anymore. Believe it or not, the same sought-after trainers who get paid the big bucks to train celebrities can be on call to train you in your own home for pennies a day.
Some of the newest fitness trends are available on video.
Have you always envied a ballet dancer's lean and graceful body? Several ballet videos are now available as workout videos. One of the most popular choices right now was created by the famous New York City Ballet. Although you won't learn to be the next prima ballerina training with exercise video at home, you will shape and lengthen your muscles for a graceful body.
Belly Dancing:
Shimmy your way to a great waistline. Whether you want an instructional video to teach you proper belly dancing technique or you just want to exercise with belly dance moves, you'll find a wide variety of videos available.
Exotic Dancing:
You read that right. If you've ever thought it would be fun to learn sexy moves, then this is for you. In the privacy and safety of your own home, you can bump and gyrate to your heart's content. I have also heard that laughter is good for your abs, so you'll have that covered as well, especially if you have a mirror in your workout room.
Yoga or Pilates:
If you're looking for a sleek, lean body, firm core, or more flexibility, then there are hundreds of yoga and Pilates videos to choose from. You'll find yoga for adults as well as yoga for kids. Yes, kids get stressed, too. Yoga is a great way to teach them to relax.
Fitness videos for kids:
Oftentimes kids can be the best motivators. If you put in a Sesame Street dance video and your three year old asks you to dance with Elmo, you can hardly say "no".
Once you've chosen a trend or video you are interested in, set a specific time each day to "meet" with your personal trainer. It's best to rotate at least two different forms of exercise (or videos) to avoid repetitive use strains. You can do different videos each day, or alternate a walk, bike ride or other activity you enjoy on your non-video days. As long as you are moving, you're keeping those spare pounds from firmly attaching to your body.
So, don't sign that costly gym membership agreement just yet. Blow the dust off the exercise videos in your cabinet, get some good walking shoes, or check out the hottest trends at your favorite online store. It's the frugal way to go.
Friday, 5 August 2011
Attitude: Your Weight Loss Secret
Copyright 2006 Howard McGarity
"It's a contest of purposeless me of course, it's all about living." - Lance Armstrong comments on the grueling demands of competitive cycling, after his fourth Tour de France victory in 2002.
With the start of the Tour de Georgia last week and the approach of the Tour de France in July, I find myself checking in to see what Lance Armstrong is up to these days. I sometimes do this when I’m in need of a little motivation.
Of course, you remember that all of Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France wins followed a cancer diagnosis in 1996. This was not just any cancer, but a highly aggressive testicular carcinoma that rapidly metastasized to his lungs and brain.
Most people would have crumbled, but based on Armstrong's attitude toward life, his response was absolutely predictable.
After absorbing the terror of a certain death sentence, he assaulted the aggressor with the same guts and determination that he exhibits on grueling inclines in the French Alps. It is in the mountains where he typically leaves his competitors in the dust.
Armstrong’s motto… "Knowledge is power and attitude is everything". The rest is history.
As someone who helps people lose weight and improve fitness by changing their habits and behaviors, I'd like to take a closer look at the subject of attitude.
After all, it's attitude that determines whether you drag yourself off the couch and out the door for an invigorating walk, or spend the afternoon watching TV.
Whether it's to enhance your life, or save your life, to a very large degree, it is attitude that determines where you end up.
If you would like a good example of how attitude can overcome a real downer of an experience, consider Kelly Luckett of Decatur, Georgia. She ran 26.2 miles last year, as the third ever female amputee to compete in the Boston Marathon. That's 26.2 miles six hours, twenty minutes and two seconds.
Ms. Luckett had the choice to either succumb to her disability or live life fully. She chose to not only live, but to strive for excellence and the result was outstanding.
With the list of things I have to do today, I have a “pretty good reason” to stay hunched over my desk until dinnertime, but I guess I have just motivated myself to haul up the anchor and take my protesting body out for a run.
It's all about living!
Tips to “Boost” Your Attitude:
Most of us understand the reasons for our poor physical fitness and the answer to losing weight. We have read volumes on diet and exercise, but it is our attitude that prevents us from doing what needs to be done.
One way to develop a powerfully positive attitude, even if you don’t feel that way, is to behave as if you do. To that end, planning your actions and anticipating setbacks, in advance, is essential.
1. Schedule workouts on your calendar. Making an important appointment with yourself, in writing, carries more weight than just the vague intention to do something. Schedule for first thing in the morning because research shows that people who exercise before the business day begins are most likely to stick with it.
2. A little bit of something is better than nothing. Regardless of how short you are on time or how blah you're feeling, commit to just five or ten minutes. Every little bit helps and, almost always, once you get going, your energy picks up and you have a great workout.
3. Be flexible. A change of plans is not an excuse to do nothing. If you usually exercise in the gym, and you’re out of town, go for a jog. If you forgot your running shoes, go for a brisk walk. Honor your commitment to your exercise appointment.
4. When possible, join your spouse or a workout partner. It’s a lot less easy to cop out if someone else is depending on you.
5. Check out Lance’s autobiography, “It’s Not About the Bike. My Journey Back to Life”. Last time I looked, you could get a used copy for fifty cents on . If this book doesn’t motivate you, nothing will!
"Be Strong... Be Lean"
Howard McGarity
"Coach Mac"
"It's a contest of purposeless me of course, it's all about living." - Lance Armstrong comments on the grueling demands of competitive cycling, after his fourth Tour de France victory in 2002.
With the start of the Tour de Georgia last week and the approach of the Tour de France in July, I find myself checking in to see what Lance Armstrong is up to these days. I sometimes do this when I’m in need of a little motivation.
Of course, you remember that all of Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France wins followed a cancer diagnosis in 1996. This was not just any cancer, but a highly aggressive testicular carcinoma that rapidly metastasized to his lungs and brain.
Most people would have crumbled, but based on Armstrong's attitude toward life, his response was absolutely predictable.
After absorbing the terror of a certain death sentence, he assaulted the aggressor with the same guts and determination that he exhibits on grueling inclines in the French Alps. It is in the mountains where he typically leaves his competitors in the dust.
Armstrong’s motto… "Knowledge is power and attitude is everything". The rest is history.
As someone who helps people lose weight and improve fitness by changing their habits and behaviors, I'd like to take a closer look at the subject of attitude.
After all, it's attitude that determines whether you drag yourself off the couch and out the door for an invigorating walk, or spend the afternoon watching TV.
Whether it's to enhance your life, or save your life, to a very large degree, it is attitude that determines where you end up.
If you would like a good example of how attitude can overcome a real downer of an experience, consider Kelly Luckett of Decatur, Georgia. She ran 26.2 miles last year, as the third ever female amputee to compete in the Boston Marathon. That's 26.2 miles six hours, twenty minutes and two seconds.
Ms. Luckett had the choice to either succumb to her disability or live life fully. She chose to not only live, but to strive for excellence and the result was outstanding.
With the list of things I have to do today, I have a “pretty good reason” to stay hunched over my desk until dinnertime, but I guess I have just motivated myself to haul up the anchor and take my protesting body out for a run.
It's all about living!
Tips to “Boost” Your Attitude:
Most of us understand the reasons for our poor physical fitness and the answer to losing weight. We have read volumes on diet and exercise, but it is our attitude that prevents us from doing what needs to be done.
One way to develop a powerfully positive attitude, even if you don’t feel that way, is to behave as if you do. To that end, planning your actions and anticipating setbacks, in advance, is essential.
1. Schedule workouts on your calendar. Making an important appointment with yourself, in writing, carries more weight than just the vague intention to do something. Schedule for first thing in the morning because research shows that people who exercise before the business day begins are most likely to stick with it.
2. A little bit of something is better than nothing. Regardless of how short you are on time or how blah you're feeling, commit to just five or ten minutes. Every little bit helps and, almost always, once you get going, your energy picks up and you have a great workout.
3. Be flexible. A change of plans is not an excuse to do nothing. If you usually exercise in the gym, and you’re out of town, go for a jog. If you forgot your running shoes, go for a brisk walk. Honor your commitment to your exercise appointment.
4. When possible, join your spouse or a workout partner. It’s a lot less easy to cop out if someone else is depending on you.
5. Check out Lance’s autobiography, “It’s Not About the Bike. My Journey Back to Life”. Last time I looked, you could get a used copy for fifty cents on . If this book doesn’t motivate you, nothing will!
"Be Strong... Be Lean"
Howard McGarity
"Coach Mac"
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Attitude: Your Weight Loss Secret
Copyright 2006 Howard McGarity
"It's a contest of purposeless me of course, it's all about living." - Lance Armstrong comments on the grueling demands of competitive cycling, after his fourth Tour de France victory in 2002.
With the start of the Tour de Georgia last week and the approach of the Tour de France in July, I find myself checking in to see what Lance Armstrong is up to these days. I sometimes do this when I’m in need of a little motivation.
Of course, you remember that all of Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France wins followed a cancer diagnosis in 1996. This was not just any cancer, but a highly aggressive testicular carcinoma that rapidly metastasized to his lungs and brain.
Most people would have crumbled, but based on Armstrong's attitude toward life, his response was absolutely predictable.
After absorbing the terror of a certain death sentence, he assaulted the aggressor with the same guts and determination that he exhibits on grueling inclines in the French Alps. It is in the mountains where he typically leaves his competitors in the dust.
Armstrong’s motto… "Knowledge is power and attitude is everything". The rest is history.
As someone who helps people lose weight and improve fitness by changing their habits and behaviors, I'd like to take a closer look at the subject of attitude.
After all, it's attitude that determines whether you drag yourself off the couch and out the door for an invigorating walk, or spend the afternoon watching TV.
Whether it's to enhance your life, or save your life, to a very large degree, it is attitude that determines where you end up.
If you would like a good example of how attitude can overcome a real downer of an experience, consider Kelly Luckett of Decatur, Georgia. She ran 26.2 miles last year, as the third ever female amputee to compete in the Boston Marathon. That's 26.2 miles six hours, twenty minutes and two seconds.
Ms. Luckett had the choice to either succumb to her disability or live life fully. She chose to not only live, but to strive for excellence and the result was outstanding.
With the list of things I have to do today, I have a “pretty good reason” to stay hunched over my desk until dinnertime, but I guess I have just motivated myself to haul up the anchor and take my protesting body out for a run.
It's all about living!
Tips to “Boost” Your Attitude:
Most of us understand the reasons for our poor physical fitness and the answer to losing weight. We have read volumes on diet and exercise, but it is our attitude that prevents us from doing what needs to be done.
One way to develop a powerfully positive attitude, even if you don’t feel that way, is to behave as if you do. To that end, planning your actions and anticipating setbacks, in advance, is essential.
1. Schedule workouts on your calendar. Making an important appointment with yourself, in writing, carries more weight than just the vague intention to do something. Schedule for first thing in the morning because research shows that people who exercise before the business day begins are most likely to stick with it.
2. A little bit of something is better than nothing. Regardless of how short you are on time or how blah you're feeling, commit to just five or ten minutes. Every little bit helps and, almost always, once you get going, your energy picks up and you have a great workout.
3. Be flexible. A change of plans is not an excuse to do nothing. If you usually exercise in the gym, and you’re out of town, go for a jog. If you forgot your running shoes, go for a brisk walk. Honor your commitment to your exercise appointment.
4. When possible, join your spouse or a workout partner. It’s a lot less easy to cop out if someone else is depending on you.
5. Check out Lance’s autobiography, “It’s Not About the Bike. My Journey Back to Life”. Last time I looked, you could get a used copy for fifty cents on . If this book doesn’t motivate you, nothing will!
"Be Strong... Be Lean"
Howard McGarity
"Coach Mac"
"It's a contest of purposeless me of course, it's all about living." - Lance Armstrong comments on the grueling demands of competitive cycling, after his fourth Tour de France victory in 2002.
With the start of the Tour de Georgia last week and the approach of the Tour de France in July, I find myself checking in to see what Lance Armstrong is up to these days. I sometimes do this when I’m in need of a little motivation.
Of course, you remember that all of Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France wins followed a cancer diagnosis in 1996. This was not just any cancer, but a highly aggressive testicular carcinoma that rapidly metastasized to his lungs and brain.
Most people would have crumbled, but based on Armstrong's attitude toward life, his response was absolutely predictable.
After absorbing the terror of a certain death sentence, he assaulted the aggressor with the same guts and determination that he exhibits on grueling inclines in the French Alps. It is in the mountains where he typically leaves his competitors in the dust.
Armstrong’s motto… "Knowledge is power and attitude is everything". The rest is history.
As someone who helps people lose weight and improve fitness by changing their habits and behaviors, I'd like to take a closer look at the subject of attitude.
After all, it's attitude that determines whether you drag yourself off the couch and out the door for an invigorating walk, or spend the afternoon watching TV.
Whether it's to enhance your life, or save your life, to a very large degree, it is attitude that determines where you end up.
If you would like a good example of how attitude can overcome a real downer of an experience, consider Kelly Luckett of Decatur, Georgia. She ran 26.2 miles last year, as the third ever female amputee to compete in the Boston Marathon. That's 26.2 miles six hours, twenty minutes and two seconds.
Ms. Luckett had the choice to either succumb to her disability or live life fully. She chose to not only live, but to strive for excellence and the result was outstanding.
With the list of things I have to do today, I have a “pretty good reason” to stay hunched over my desk until dinnertime, but I guess I have just motivated myself to haul up the anchor and take my protesting body out for a run.
It's all about living!
Tips to “Boost” Your Attitude:
Most of us understand the reasons for our poor physical fitness and the answer to losing weight. We have read volumes on diet and exercise, but it is our attitude that prevents us from doing what needs to be done.
One way to develop a powerfully positive attitude, even if you don’t feel that way, is to behave as if you do. To that end, planning your actions and anticipating setbacks, in advance, is essential.
1. Schedule workouts on your calendar. Making an important appointment with yourself, in writing, carries more weight than just the vague intention to do something. Schedule for first thing in the morning because research shows that people who exercise before the business day begins are most likely to stick with it.
2. A little bit of something is better than nothing. Regardless of how short you are on time or how blah you're feeling, commit to just five or ten minutes. Every little bit helps and, almost always, once you get going, your energy picks up and you have a great workout.
3. Be flexible. A change of plans is not an excuse to do nothing. If you usually exercise in the gym, and you’re out of town, go for a jog. If you forgot your running shoes, go for a brisk walk. Honor your commitment to your exercise appointment.
4. When possible, join your spouse or a workout partner. It’s a lot less easy to cop out if someone else is depending on you.
5. Check out Lance’s autobiography, “It’s Not About the Bike. My Journey Back to Life”. Last time I looked, you could get a used copy for fifty cents on . If this book doesn’t motivate you, nothing will!
"Be Strong... Be Lean"
Howard McGarity
"Coach Mac"
Atkins Diet Plan - It's Really Not Easy
You can easily be bored with the limited carb choices but it does get better as you reach the last two stages. Your doctor can explain the possible health risk associated with the Atkins diet. The Atkins diet plan is not easy but if you stay with it the results will amaze you. An internet search for Atkins diet will yield hundreds of results.
The Atkins diet tries to trick your body into burning fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. If the Reactions are really troublesome you should seek treatment. You can find ways to ease these reactions on the internet and in books about low carb diets.
You might get dizzy, have cramps, and other physical effects because of the changes in your diet. It is possible to ease the dizziness and cramps. There are things that can be done to ease the discomfort of leg cramps and other symptoms. Remember minerals like Potassium, are flushed out of your system quickly.
Take a 90 milligram supplement instead of a banana to replace potassium. Relief from symptoms should be felt in about an hour. While on Atkins follow these suggestions for staying healthy. Listed below are some suggestions that might help you get through the time it takes your body to adjust to the diet.
If your weight loss slows or stops before you are close to goal weight, check how many calories you are taking in. Water is also necessary to your kidneys functioning properly. Drinking enough water to equal half your body weight will keep you out of the kitchen and in another room all day. Not drinking enough water can lead to buildup of ketones which can cause serious health problems.
Weighing yourself more than once a week will only frustrate yourself. If you don’t see a drop in inches and pounds, check for hidden carbs and sugars. You will feel your best when you eat the right amount of carbs. Make sure the carbs you do eat are chock full of nutrients. Sugar is off limits on the Atkins diet. Regular exercise improves your general health.
Beware of promises that you will lose huge amounts of weight without exercise. Convert food into energy faster with exercise. Strive for a balance in exercise if you aren’t a little tired after a session, you probably aren’t doing enough and if you are too tired to move you probably did too much.
The doctor can tell if your post exercise aches and pains are normal or not. To gain maximum benefit from your exercise and dieting, slowly build your routine. Don’t take more than the recommended doses of any supplement without your doctor’s consent. If you are tempted to cheat, checking your journal will remind you what happened the last time you did that.
Some people overeat and some eat barely anything when under stress, recording what you eat will explain weight loss or gain. If you go off program, don’t beat yourself up, just get back on track as soon as possible. Anything significant should be entered because good stuff affects you too.
Knowing you have to list everything is important especially for diabetics so they can see how foods affect them whether its negative or positive. Recording your blood sugar levels in the journal is an obvious fact. Doing this will teach you to recognize patterns such as when your levels are highest or lowest.
You and your doctor can use the journal to recognize what you have been doing right and to build on it. Try to choose foods made from whole grain flour. If your weight loss stalls or slows significantly, try eliminating all caffeine. Having short term goals will keep you motivated.
The amount you lose in a week or a month is not as important as a steady weight loss. Losing more weight than that is potentially dangerous. Yo-yo dieting , losing weight and gaining it back to get out of starvations mode, than losing, etc. may be as dangerous as being overweight.
With the Atkins diet, you have the maintenance phase to use for the rest of your life, so you don’t have to return to the old way. Only use diets that suggest a slow to moderate weight loss and possibly some nutrient supplements. So the element of a safe workable diet are balanced meals, exercise and supplements.
Not all supplements can do what they claim, so do your homework before you buy. All natural ingredients have one advantage. Supplements and medications often don’t mix well, it might be a good idea to take them separately a few hours apart. You won’t need supplements if your diet is well balanced.
The Atkins diet tries to trick your body into burning fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. If the Reactions are really troublesome you should seek treatment. You can find ways to ease these reactions on the internet and in books about low carb diets.
You might get dizzy, have cramps, and other physical effects because of the changes in your diet. It is possible to ease the dizziness and cramps. There are things that can be done to ease the discomfort of leg cramps and other symptoms. Remember minerals like Potassium, are flushed out of your system quickly.
Take a 90 milligram supplement instead of a banana to replace potassium. Relief from symptoms should be felt in about an hour. While on Atkins follow these suggestions for staying healthy. Listed below are some suggestions that might help you get through the time it takes your body to adjust to the diet.
If your weight loss slows or stops before you are close to goal weight, check how many calories you are taking in. Water is also necessary to your kidneys functioning properly. Drinking enough water to equal half your body weight will keep you out of the kitchen and in another room all day. Not drinking enough water can lead to buildup of ketones which can cause serious health problems.
Weighing yourself more than once a week will only frustrate yourself. If you don’t see a drop in inches and pounds, check for hidden carbs and sugars. You will feel your best when you eat the right amount of carbs. Make sure the carbs you do eat are chock full of nutrients. Sugar is off limits on the Atkins diet. Regular exercise improves your general health.
Beware of promises that you will lose huge amounts of weight without exercise. Convert food into energy faster with exercise. Strive for a balance in exercise if you aren’t a little tired after a session, you probably aren’t doing enough and if you are too tired to move you probably did too much.
The doctor can tell if your post exercise aches and pains are normal or not. To gain maximum benefit from your exercise and dieting, slowly build your routine. Don’t take more than the recommended doses of any supplement without your doctor’s consent. If you are tempted to cheat, checking your journal will remind you what happened the last time you did that.
Some people overeat and some eat barely anything when under stress, recording what you eat will explain weight loss or gain. If you go off program, don’t beat yourself up, just get back on track as soon as possible. Anything significant should be entered because good stuff affects you too.
Knowing you have to list everything is important especially for diabetics so they can see how foods affect them whether its negative or positive. Recording your blood sugar levels in the journal is an obvious fact. Doing this will teach you to recognize patterns such as when your levels are highest or lowest.
You and your doctor can use the journal to recognize what you have been doing right and to build on it. Try to choose foods made from whole grain flour. If your weight loss stalls or slows significantly, try eliminating all caffeine. Having short term goals will keep you motivated.
The amount you lose in a week or a month is not as important as a steady weight loss. Losing more weight than that is potentially dangerous. Yo-yo dieting , losing weight and gaining it back to get out of starvations mode, than losing, etc. may be as dangerous as being overweight.
With the Atkins diet, you have the maintenance phase to use for the rest of your life, so you don’t have to return to the old way. Only use diets that suggest a slow to moderate weight loss and possibly some nutrient supplements. So the element of a safe workable diet are balanced meals, exercise and supplements.
Not all supplements can do what they claim, so do your homework before you buy. All natural ingredients have one advantage. Supplements and medications often don’t mix well, it might be a good idea to take them separately a few hours apart. You won’t need supplements if your diet is well balanced.
Atkins Diet - Learn More
The Atkins diet can be boring because of the limited choice and some believe it can be dangerous. Get a physical to make sure you can tolerate the diet and inform the doctor about your decision to try the Atkins diet. Make sure you completely understand how the diet works.
You can get all the information, both positive and negative, that you could want online, at the library or the bookstore. The Atkins diet attempts to get your body to burn fat instead of carbs as fuel. Atkins dieters sometimes experience physical reaction in the early weeks of the diet.
There are things that can be done to alleviate these symptoms. Dizziness and muscular cramps can be experienced by new Atkins dieters. You might have dizziness, cramps or other physical effects caused by the dietary changes you are making. You can take steps to prevent cramps and other symptoms.
Brain fog, dizziness and muscular cramps are common reactions to the dietary changes. Minerals like potassium wash out of your system rather quickly. A banana will not replace all the potassium loss, you need to take a supplement. Your symptoms should improve in about an hour.
Here are some hints to help you stay healthy while on Atkins. There are ways to help you combat the symptoms of the dietary changes. You need to eat at least 8 calories per pound of body weight. You need to drink enough water to flush toxins from your system.
Some people recommend drinking water equal to half your body weight, that is a lot of water. Water helps the body to rid itself of acidic ketones and also helps in lipolysis , the burning of fat rather than carbs for energy.
Don't weigh or measure yourself more than once a week, more often will have you obsessing over every 1/4 ounce. You will likely see a decrease in inches after the first week, if not you will surely see it in pounds. Eating the carbs that make you feel your best, still means you need to stay within the limits for the diet stage you are in. You will get more "bang for the buck" if you choose unprocessed, natural nutrient dense carbohydrates.
Sugar is an absolute no-no. Regular exercise is absolutely necessary. Do not even consider a program that promises you can lose weight without exercise. Exercise helps the body to better utilize the foods you consume. Not doing enough exercise is as bad as doing too much. Ask your doctor's advice about how often, how much and what type of exercise is right for you. Don't start off by trying to run a 10k, try a walk around the block and build up tolerance for more.
Be sure to take the nutrient supplements prescribed by your doctor. You should have a journal to record your weight loss and food consumption. If a major event or life change happens, record it and the emotions, since these can affect how you eat. What happens in your life affects what you eat, how much and even how often you eat.
Significant events should also be entered because even good stuff can affect you. Keep track of exactly what you eat in your food journal if you are diabetic you will be able to see how certain foods positively or negatively affect blood sugar levels. You should record your daily test results in this journal also.
Your journal will teach you to recognize patterns and to realize when your blood sugar levels are changing. Share your journal, or at least the trends you have noticed, with your doctor so that he can determine what needs to be done. Read the labels on every pre-packaged food item, look for white flour and hidden sugars.
You will lose weight faster if you limit your caffeine intake. The Atkins diet, or any other diet, is not going to take off 50 pounds in a week. A weight loss of 2-4 pounds a week may be realistic for one person but not for another. Losing more than this could be dangerous.
If weight loss is very rapid your body will go into starvation mode and try to hold on to what it can, and weight loss will stop cold. Any large weight loss will be regained if you return to your "normal" eating habits. Your prior "normal" eating patterns are what made you overweight to begin with.
A diet that promises phenomenal weight loss in a very short period of time is likely a scam. A really workable diet is one that recommends a balanced diet, exercise and possibly supplements. Be sure that any supplement is safe in general and for you in particular.
Just because a supplement is all natural, doesn't mean it is safe. Some supplements can interact with certain medication, so be cautious. No medications, vitamins or supplements should be taken without your doctor's approval.
You can get all the information, both positive and negative, that you could want online, at the library or the bookstore. The Atkins diet attempts to get your body to burn fat instead of carbs as fuel. Atkins dieters sometimes experience physical reaction in the early weeks of the diet.
There are things that can be done to alleviate these symptoms. Dizziness and muscular cramps can be experienced by new Atkins dieters. You might have dizziness, cramps or other physical effects caused by the dietary changes you are making. You can take steps to prevent cramps and other symptoms.
Brain fog, dizziness and muscular cramps are common reactions to the dietary changes. Minerals like potassium wash out of your system rather quickly. A banana will not replace all the potassium loss, you need to take a supplement. Your symptoms should improve in about an hour.
Here are some hints to help you stay healthy while on Atkins. There are ways to help you combat the symptoms of the dietary changes. You need to eat at least 8 calories per pound of body weight. You need to drink enough water to flush toxins from your system.
Some people recommend drinking water equal to half your body weight, that is a lot of water. Water helps the body to rid itself of acidic ketones and also helps in lipolysis , the burning of fat rather than carbs for energy.
Don't weigh or measure yourself more than once a week, more often will have you obsessing over every 1/4 ounce. You will likely see a decrease in inches after the first week, if not you will surely see it in pounds. Eating the carbs that make you feel your best, still means you need to stay within the limits for the diet stage you are in. You will get more "bang for the buck" if you choose unprocessed, natural nutrient dense carbohydrates.
Sugar is an absolute no-no. Regular exercise is absolutely necessary. Do not even consider a program that promises you can lose weight without exercise. Exercise helps the body to better utilize the foods you consume. Not doing enough exercise is as bad as doing too much. Ask your doctor's advice about how often, how much and what type of exercise is right for you. Don't start off by trying to run a 10k, try a walk around the block and build up tolerance for more.
Be sure to take the nutrient supplements prescribed by your doctor. You should have a journal to record your weight loss and food consumption. If a major event or life change happens, record it and the emotions, since these can affect how you eat. What happens in your life affects what you eat, how much and even how often you eat.
Significant events should also be entered because even good stuff can affect you. Keep track of exactly what you eat in your food journal if you are diabetic you will be able to see how certain foods positively or negatively affect blood sugar levels. You should record your daily test results in this journal also.
Your journal will teach you to recognize patterns and to realize when your blood sugar levels are changing. Share your journal, or at least the trends you have noticed, with your doctor so that he can determine what needs to be done. Read the labels on every pre-packaged food item, look for white flour and hidden sugars.
You will lose weight faster if you limit your caffeine intake. The Atkins diet, or any other diet, is not going to take off 50 pounds in a week. A weight loss of 2-4 pounds a week may be realistic for one person but not for another. Losing more than this could be dangerous.
If weight loss is very rapid your body will go into starvation mode and try to hold on to what it can, and weight loss will stop cold. Any large weight loss will be regained if you return to your "normal" eating habits. Your prior "normal" eating patterns are what made you overweight to begin with.
A diet that promises phenomenal weight loss in a very short period of time is likely a scam. A really workable diet is one that recommends a balanced diet, exercise and possibly supplements. Be sure that any supplement is safe in general and for you in particular.
Just because a supplement is all natural, doesn't mean it is safe. Some supplements can interact with certain medication, so be cautious. No medications, vitamins or supplements should be taken without your doctor's approval.
Atkins Diet - Increase Your Heart Attack Risk?
Critics of the Atkins diet have always questioned it's health validity. When Dr Atkins was called before a Senate committee headed by George McGovern, he was forced to admit that pregnant women following his low carb diet would suffer fetal damage to their unborn babies.
Studies since have found that long term, Atkins dieters do not lose weight more quickly, or keep it off more, over a twelve month period as compared to people following other diets. The initial weight loss is mostly fluid, not fat as is often claimed.
And whilst the high levels of protein and fats, and extremely low level of carbohydrates, appeals to some people's tastes, for most, it's unappetizing and doesn't produce a feeling of well being. As such, it becomes difficult to follow for long periods. Yet it is sold as a 'way of life', rather than a diet.
Most seriously, questions raised by Atkins's death, and the state of his heart health as revealed in the medical report after his death, seemed to give credibility to his critics.
Officially, Atkins died as a result of slipping on an icy pavement near his office. But his medical report revealed that he had a history of heart attacks, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. His wife explained the heart problems as a result of a virus they both contracted in Turkey.
Whether or not this is true, other evidence has since emerged that indicates Atkins diet is not good for the heart after all.
One recent study at Oxford University followed 19 people over a two week period. When they followed a diet high in fat and low in carbs, it was found that the energy stored in their heart was reduced by an average of 16%. In some people, this reduction was as high as 30%. On top of this, whilst they were on this diet, these people's hearts were unable to relax as easily. These changes reverted back to normal two weeks after they went back to a normal diet.
Jody Goran's experience was much worse. A 50 year old, he tried the Atkins diet and lost weight. He stayed on it for two years, but in October, 2003 he started having chest pains. He went to the doctor straight away, and they found that one of his main arteries was 99% blocked. He was not far away from having a fatal heart attack, and had to have surgery straight away.
Yet, 6 months before he'd started the Atkins diet, his check up revealed a very healthy heart. He had clean, unblocked arteries, and a 96% chance that he would NOT have a heart attack within the next 5 years. After following the Atkins diet for 2 years, not only was one of his main arteries blocked 99%, but his cholesterol had risen from 146 to 215. Just after the angioplasty, his cholesterol levels fell back to 209. But it wasn't until he discontinued the diet completely that his cholesterol levels returned to 146.
According to a report in The Weekend Australian Magazine, Atkins even acknowledged that in as many as 30% of dieters, higher levels of the 'bad' cholesterol can cause potentially serious heart problems. The same article does state that in others, the 'bad' cholesterol levels will lower, but 30% is a significant number. And there are other, healthier ways to lower cholesterol.
Overall, the questions and potentially serious side effects, quite apart from the bad breath and constipation, make this a highly questionable long term approach to weight control.
1. Australian Healthy Food magazine, April, 2006
2. The Weekend Australian Magazine, March 11-12, 2006
Studies since have found that long term, Atkins dieters do not lose weight more quickly, or keep it off more, over a twelve month period as compared to people following other diets. The initial weight loss is mostly fluid, not fat as is often claimed.
And whilst the high levels of protein and fats, and extremely low level of carbohydrates, appeals to some people's tastes, for most, it's unappetizing and doesn't produce a feeling of well being. As such, it becomes difficult to follow for long periods. Yet it is sold as a 'way of life', rather than a diet.
Most seriously, questions raised by Atkins's death, and the state of his heart health as revealed in the medical report after his death, seemed to give credibility to his critics.
Officially, Atkins died as a result of slipping on an icy pavement near his office. But his medical report revealed that he had a history of heart attacks, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. His wife explained the heart problems as a result of a virus they both contracted in Turkey.
Whether or not this is true, other evidence has since emerged that indicates Atkins diet is not good for the heart after all.
One recent study at Oxford University followed 19 people over a two week period. When they followed a diet high in fat and low in carbs, it was found that the energy stored in their heart was reduced by an average of 16%. In some people, this reduction was as high as 30%. On top of this, whilst they were on this diet, these people's hearts were unable to relax as easily. These changes reverted back to normal two weeks after they went back to a normal diet.
Jody Goran's experience was much worse. A 50 year old, he tried the Atkins diet and lost weight. He stayed on it for two years, but in October, 2003 he started having chest pains. He went to the doctor straight away, and they found that one of his main arteries was 99% blocked. He was not far away from having a fatal heart attack, and had to have surgery straight away.
Yet, 6 months before he'd started the Atkins diet, his check up revealed a very healthy heart. He had clean, unblocked arteries, and a 96% chance that he would NOT have a heart attack within the next 5 years. After following the Atkins diet for 2 years, not only was one of his main arteries blocked 99%, but his cholesterol had risen from 146 to 215. Just after the angioplasty, his cholesterol levels fell back to 209. But it wasn't until he discontinued the diet completely that his cholesterol levels returned to 146.
According to a report in The Weekend Australian Magazine, Atkins even acknowledged that in as many as 30% of dieters, higher levels of the 'bad' cholesterol can cause potentially serious heart problems. The same article does state that in others, the 'bad' cholesterol levels will lower, but 30% is a significant number. And there are other, healthier ways to lower cholesterol.
Overall, the questions and potentially serious side effects, quite apart from the bad breath and constipation, make this a highly questionable long term approach to weight control.
1. Australian Healthy Food magazine, April, 2006
2. The Weekend Australian Magazine, March 11-12, 2006
Atkins Diet - How To Do It The Right Way?
Obesity is the main reason for many diseases like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, depression, and sleep apnea. The only way out of this problem is to follow a strict and healthy diet. But that doesn’t mean avoiding food altogether for that it is not at all a good option since it would deprive our body of essential nutrients. Hence a controlled carbohydrate diet is advised for carbohydrate is mostly responsible for increasing one’s body weight.
The low carbohydrate Atkins Diet was first introduced in 1970’s by Dr. Robert Atkins. But it became popular almost 10 years later after the release of his book - ‘Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution’ which went one to become one of the bestsellers of that decade. In no time, millions of people in the United States and abroad began to follow Atkins diet specifications as their first diet choice.
What is Atkins Diet?
Atkins Diet is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. It promotes using meat, eggs, and cheese while discouraging high carbohydrate-content foods such as bread and rice. If excess carbohydrates are taken in, excess enzymes should be generated to digest it. This may lead to disintegration of pancreatic cells in a long run, which may further lead to diabetes. According to Robert Atkins, on having a low carbohydrate diet, our body will enter into a state of ketosis, in which, instead of carbohydrates, fat is digested to release energy. This reduces the need for more insulin produced by the pancreatic cells and the fat deposits are subsided. Thus, the body weight is reduced to a considerable amount.
Advantages of Atkins Diet:
1. Considerable amount of body weight is reduced by the burning of fats which is the secondary source of energy.
2. Inter-meal diets could be avoided since you won’t be hungry between meals.
3. Could maintain constant blood sugar level.
4. Since most of the toxins contained in our body are removed along with the burning of fats, overall heath is improved.
Things to Note:
1. It is recommended to consult a doctor or physician before trying out Atkins diet meal plans.
2. Daily exercise is highly recommended along with Atkins diet foods.
3. People with kidney disorders, pregnancy, and diabetes are advised not to follow Atkins diet meal plans.
Phases of Atkins Diet:
1. Induction - In this phase, which includes first 14 days of the diet, it is said that you will lose up to 15 pounds of your body weight. During this time, the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day will be less than 20 grams. The only carbohydrates included in your Atkins diet recipes will be low carbohydrate-content vegetables like tomato.
2. Ongoing Weight Loss – During this second stage, the consumption of carbohydrates is raised up to 5 grams per day.
3. Pre-maintenance – During this stage of Atkins diet meal plans, the rate of fall of body weight will be slower. Also, you can experiment various other foods to see whether they add your body weight or not. If found safe, you could add it to your Atkins diet food products.
4. Maintenance – You enter this phase when you find that you have reduced the body weight to the desired level. Also you could add some more carbohydrates to your diet which do not raise your body weight, like full wheat bread.
Tail Piece: The ultimate result of Atkins diet program (other diet programs as well) depends solely on how well the person follows the recommendations. Hence make sure that you follow it religiously.
The low carbohydrate Atkins Diet was first introduced in 1970’s by Dr. Robert Atkins. But it became popular almost 10 years later after the release of his book - ‘Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution’ which went one to become one of the bestsellers of that decade. In no time, millions of people in the United States and abroad began to follow Atkins diet specifications as their first diet choice.
What is Atkins Diet?
Atkins Diet is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. It promotes using meat, eggs, and cheese while discouraging high carbohydrate-content foods such as bread and rice. If excess carbohydrates are taken in, excess enzymes should be generated to digest it. This may lead to disintegration of pancreatic cells in a long run, which may further lead to diabetes. According to Robert Atkins, on having a low carbohydrate diet, our body will enter into a state of ketosis, in which, instead of carbohydrates, fat is digested to release energy. This reduces the need for more insulin produced by the pancreatic cells and the fat deposits are subsided. Thus, the body weight is reduced to a considerable amount.
Advantages of Atkins Diet:
1. Considerable amount of body weight is reduced by the burning of fats which is the secondary source of energy.
2. Inter-meal diets could be avoided since you won’t be hungry between meals.
3. Could maintain constant blood sugar level.
4. Since most of the toxins contained in our body are removed along with the burning of fats, overall heath is improved.
Things to Note:
1. It is recommended to consult a doctor or physician before trying out Atkins diet meal plans.
2. Daily exercise is highly recommended along with Atkins diet foods.
3. People with kidney disorders, pregnancy, and diabetes are advised not to follow Atkins diet meal plans.
Phases of Atkins Diet:
1. Induction - In this phase, which includes first 14 days of the diet, it is said that you will lose up to 15 pounds of your body weight. During this time, the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day will be less than 20 grams. The only carbohydrates included in your Atkins diet recipes will be low carbohydrate-content vegetables like tomato.
2. Ongoing Weight Loss – During this second stage, the consumption of carbohydrates is raised up to 5 grams per day.
3. Pre-maintenance – During this stage of Atkins diet meal plans, the rate of fall of body weight will be slower. Also, you can experiment various other foods to see whether they add your body weight or not. If found safe, you could add it to your Atkins diet food products.
4. Maintenance – You enter this phase when you find that you have reduced the body weight to the desired level. Also you could add some more carbohydrates to your diet which do not raise your body weight, like full wheat bread.
Tail Piece: The ultimate result of Atkins diet program (other diet programs as well) depends solely on how well the person follows the recommendations. Hence make sure that you follow it religiously.
Atkins Diet 101
Who does not desire to have a fit and shaped up body? Perhaps we all do. Overweight is the biggest enemy of our health. But factors such as sedentary work, lack of time to exercise and the availability of delectable fast food have made it extremely difficult to have stabilized weight.
It is not only a person’s appearance that is badly affected by being overweight but also his fitness. Usually obese people keep on confronting one or the other health problem. There are times when excess of weight becomes a mental torture and leads to depression.
It is quite an easy task to gain weight but immensely difficult to reduce it. Though there are various remedies prescribed to shed weight, all can’t to followed or trusted. One old and quite effective way to become light is the use of Atkin’s Diet.
Dr. Robert Atkins (1930-2003) was the father of Atkin’s Diet. In 1972 he popularized the diet in his famous series of books. In practical application also the diet turned out to be quiet successful. Thus it became more and more popular with time.
Dr. Atkin believed that carbohydrate is the primary reason behind gaining weight. This is because carbohydrates are composed of energy providing items such as sugar, starch, cellulose and gums. So if a person reduces the intake of carbohydrates (carbs) he or she can greatly get rid of many pounds. Thus people should avoid potatoes and other starchy vegetables along with sugar, grains, pastas and fruits for these are the major sources of carbs. In the opinion of Dr. Atkins doing this will translate a carbohydrate-burning metabolism to a fat burning one. Atkin’s diet is critical of carbs related but not of fatty and protein rich stuff. In fact it recommends its users to eat food that provides them fats and proteins. In the case of proteins it particularly emphasizes the consumption of animal protein.
Though atkin’s diet has done wonders in many cases, it has many shortcomings. If this diet is quite popular with one set of people, some others are enormously critical of it. this is because of several reasons. Firstly Atkins meals are not only low in carbs but contain negligible amount of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. Secondly atkin’s diet is flourishing with cholesterol boosting fats that can be very troublesome. Thirdly since atkin’s diet promulgates animal protein, vegetarians find it difficult to adopt it. In the fourth place according to the American Heart Association (AHA), a high protein diet is not adequate to lose weight. So diets such as Atkin’s can cause nutritional deficiency and other cholesterol related problems (cardiac arrests) in the long run. Finally critics believe that eating meat and other high protein products can lead to osteoporosis, colon cancer, heart diseases and renal diseases.
However the best way to reduce weight is to avoid excess as well as complete elimination of anything. A person should take a diet rich in essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers etc.), stay away from fatty foods as much as possible. Also carbs such as sugar should be consumed in a regulated manner.
It is not only a person’s appearance that is badly affected by being overweight but also his fitness. Usually obese people keep on confronting one or the other health problem. There are times when excess of weight becomes a mental torture and leads to depression.
It is quite an easy task to gain weight but immensely difficult to reduce it. Though there are various remedies prescribed to shed weight, all can’t to followed or trusted. One old and quite effective way to become light is the use of Atkin’s Diet.
Dr. Robert Atkins (1930-2003) was the father of Atkin’s Diet. In 1972 he popularized the diet in his famous series of books. In practical application also the diet turned out to be quiet successful. Thus it became more and more popular with time.
Dr. Atkin believed that carbohydrate is the primary reason behind gaining weight. This is because carbohydrates are composed of energy providing items such as sugar, starch, cellulose and gums. So if a person reduces the intake of carbohydrates (carbs) he or she can greatly get rid of many pounds. Thus people should avoid potatoes and other starchy vegetables along with sugar, grains, pastas and fruits for these are the major sources of carbs. In the opinion of Dr. Atkins doing this will translate a carbohydrate-burning metabolism to a fat burning one. Atkin’s diet is critical of carbs related but not of fatty and protein rich stuff. In fact it recommends its users to eat food that provides them fats and proteins. In the case of proteins it particularly emphasizes the consumption of animal protein.
Though atkin’s diet has done wonders in many cases, it has many shortcomings. If this diet is quite popular with one set of people, some others are enormously critical of it. this is because of several reasons. Firstly Atkins meals are not only low in carbs but contain negligible amount of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. Secondly atkin’s diet is flourishing with cholesterol boosting fats that can be very troublesome. Thirdly since atkin’s diet promulgates animal protein, vegetarians find it difficult to adopt it. In the fourth place according to the American Heart Association (AHA), a high protein diet is not adequate to lose weight. So diets such as Atkin’s can cause nutritional deficiency and other cholesterol related problems (cardiac arrests) in the long run. Finally critics believe that eating meat and other high protein products can lead to osteoporosis, colon cancer, heart diseases and renal diseases.
However the best way to reduce weight is to avoid excess as well as complete elimination of anything. A person should take a diet rich in essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers etc.), stay away from fatty foods as much as possible. Also carbs such as sugar should be consumed in a regulated manner.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Atkins Bankrupt
Over the past few weeks, ever since Atkins went belly up our company has been bombarded with questions about the possible harmful effects that their ‘Atkins days’ might have caused.
It seems like everyone tried that system at one time or another.
Well to help alleviate some of the fear that’s out there, let me answer just a few of the basic questions here:
Q: “Could I have caused permanent damage by following a high protein diet?”
A: If you haven’t yet experienced any major health problems, then it’s not too late to reverse many, if not all of the negative side effects that usually follow a program like that.
Q: “I think I’ve damaged myself internally by following this type of diet … help!“
A: First, relax! Then simply stop doing the things that you know are killing you, and start doing things that have been proven to make you healthier, leaner, and more energetic.
For example…every meal should have it’s foundation in fresh, preferably raw vegetables, then you should add a small portion of lean protein such as egg white, fish, chicken, or turkey. That’s it. That simple change will help you reverse many of the toxic effects of an unhealthy diet – and re-start the fat-burning process getting you back into a tight, lean body.
Q: “I’m afraid to stop this way of eating, for fear of gaining it (my fat) back, what do you suggest?”
A: It’s time to make a change. It’s time to re-train your body, and begin triggering the correct chemicals within your body to help you automatically burn body-fat naturally. By following a healthy diet like the one laid out in The Living Health Weight Loss Program, or any other healthy program that’s proven to get you healthy and lean fast – by using a healthy program like that your body WILL transform from unhealthy to healthy, from unfit to fit, and from ordinary to extraordinary.
It seems like everyone tried that system at one time or another.
Well to help alleviate some of the fear that’s out there, let me answer just a few of the basic questions here:
Q: “Could I have caused permanent damage by following a high protein diet?”
A: If you haven’t yet experienced any major health problems, then it’s not too late to reverse many, if not all of the negative side effects that usually follow a program like that.
Q: “I think I’ve damaged myself internally by following this type of diet … help!“
A: First, relax! Then simply stop doing the things that you know are killing you, and start doing things that have been proven to make you healthier, leaner, and more energetic.
For example…every meal should have it’s foundation in fresh, preferably raw vegetables, then you should add a small portion of lean protein such as egg white, fish, chicken, or turkey. That’s it. That simple change will help you reverse many of the toxic effects of an unhealthy diet – and re-start the fat-burning process getting you back into a tight, lean body.
Q: “I’m afraid to stop this way of eating, for fear of gaining it (my fat) back, what do you suggest?”
A: It’s time to make a change. It’s time to re-train your body, and begin triggering the correct chemicals within your body to help you automatically burn body-fat naturally. By following a healthy diet like the one laid out in The Living Health Weight Loss Program, or any other healthy program that’s proven to get you healthy and lean fast – by using a healthy program like that your body WILL transform from unhealthy to healthy, from unfit to fit, and from ordinary to extraordinary.
Are Your Thoughts About Your Body Holding You Back From Success?
When someone joins my personal coaching program, one of the first things I ask them to do is to describe exactly what their body is going to look like once I help them reach their goal weight. I ask them to do this in writing – not over the phone, and here’s why…
Deeply imbedded negative thoughts are what cause us to have difficulties in any weight loss or health enhancement program – in fact, our past failures can almost always be traced back to negative thoughts that we didn’t even realize we had.
Most of our negative thinking comes out when we write things down on paper (or on the computer).
I challenge you to write out 10 brief descriptions about how your body will look in 30 days if you were coached by someone like me – someone who knows exactly how to transform the human body no matter what stage of the game you’re currently at.
Go ahead, take a moment and write out what your face would look like, what your arms would look like, what your legs and your butt would look like – would your skin look different, would your muscles be tighter, would you be leaner – detail everything, then come right back.
Did you do it?
Make your list now before reading any further – I want you to walk away with some profound knowledge of yourself when you’re done reading this article.
OK, now that you have your list, let me show you something that you can use to judge whether or not you’ve been causing yourself to fail in your attempts to lose weight and keep it off.
Here are some examples of statements that a good friend of mine used to have before he and I began working together – statements that were literally holding him back from success:
Face–more chiseled features, no double chin, no doughy jowls or puffy cheeks, no bags under the eyes.
Other than improved facial shape, I really have no complaints at all about my face, hair, eyes, nose, ears.
Neck–no double chin or “wattle”
Chest–no gynecomastia (womanly breasts), muscular instead. Look, ma, I can see my ribcage and pectoral muscles instead of a soft mattress of flab.
Arms–hard sinewy curves instead of soft breadsticks. Seeing veins and muscles instead of smooth fat.
Abdomen–are there really abs hiding in there? They’ve never made an appearance in 50 years! It’d be nice to have a tight waist not uncomfortably sliced by too-tight underwear.
Legs–less of a conical shape, more elongated and solid. Although my calves have always been rather large and firm–my best body part, next to my brain.
Buttocks–less sag, more form
Back–could be a lot less hairy, would be nice to see a “V” shape instead of a truncated pyramid.
Can you see why he might have had a few troubles in the past reaching his goal?
But I’ll let you in on a little secret – this guy is in great shape now and enjoying life more than ever, and he’s a pleasure to speak with each week in our coaching calls.
Now here’s a list from a woman who recently completed one of my coaching programs – this list was written out after our first session together – watch how positive every statement is:
my face will be thinner, more defined
my posture will be great all of the time
my legs will be free of cellulite and extra fat
my butt will be sculpted and defined
my abs will be tight and defined
my arms will be cut and defined and strong and sexy!
my chest will be lifted and shapely
my back will show definition and be sexy!
I will feel the urge to walk around naked all the time! (around my house and my husband, of course)
I will walk confidently knowing that I look great!
I will compliment my awesome body with cool clothes that show it off
I will wear a bikini from now on!!! No shorts over the bottom!
I will wear those short shorts I have sitting in my closet
my skin will be clear
I will be unbelievably beautiful and sexy!!!
When making your list, make sure to avoid using any negatives, and have fun with this exercise – the short time you take out of your day to make your list will save you tons of time and frustration in the near future.
Deeply imbedded negative thoughts are what cause us to have difficulties in any weight loss or health enhancement program – in fact, our past failures can almost always be traced back to negative thoughts that we didn’t even realize we had.
Most of our negative thinking comes out when we write things down on paper (or on the computer).
I challenge you to write out 10 brief descriptions about how your body will look in 30 days if you were coached by someone like me – someone who knows exactly how to transform the human body no matter what stage of the game you’re currently at.
Go ahead, take a moment and write out what your face would look like, what your arms would look like, what your legs and your butt would look like – would your skin look different, would your muscles be tighter, would you be leaner – detail everything, then come right back.
Did you do it?
Make your list now before reading any further – I want you to walk away with some profound knowledge of yourself when you’re done reading this article.
OK, now that you have your list, let me show you something that you can use to judge whether or not you’ve been causing yourself to fail in your attempts to lose weight and keep it off.
Here are some examples of statements that a good friend of mine used to have before he and I began working together – statements that were literally holding him back from success:
Face–more chiseled features, no double chin, no doughy jowls or puffy cheeks, no bags under the eyes.
Other than improved facial shape, I really have no complaints at all about my face, hair, eyes, nose, ears.
Neck–no double chin or “wattle”
Chest–no gynecomastia (womanly breasts), muscular instead. Look, ma, I can see my ribcage and pectoral muscles instead of a soft mattress of flab.
Arms–hard sinewy curves instead of soft breadsticks. Seeing veins and muscles instead of smooth fat.
Abdomen–are there really abs hiding in there? They’ve never made an appearance in 50 years! It’d be nice to have a tight waist not uncomfortably sliced by too-tight underwear.
Legs–less of a conical shape, more elongated and solid. Although my calves have always been rather large and firm–my best body part, next to my brain.
Buttocks–less sag, more form
Back–could be a lot less hairy, would be nice to see a “V” shape instead of a truncated pyramid.
Can you see why he might have had a few troubles in the past reaching his goal?
But I’ll let you in on a little secret – this guy is in great shape now and enjoying life more than ever, and he’s a pleasure to speak with each week in our coaching calls.
Now here’s a list from a woman who recently completed one of my coaching programs – this list was written out after our first session together – watch how positive every statement is:
my face will be thinner, more defined
my posture will be great all of the time
my legs will be free of cellulite and extra fat
my butt will be sculpted and defined
my abs will be tight and defined
my arms will be cut and defined and strong and sexy!
my chest will be lifted and shapely
my back will show definition and be sexy!
I will feel the urge to walk around naked all the time! (around my house and my husband, of course)
I will walk confidently knowing that I look great!
I will compliment my awesome body with cool clothes that show it off
I will wear a bikini from now on!!! No shorts over the bottom!
I will wear those short shorts I have sitting in my closet
my skin will be clear
I will be unbelievably beautiful and sexy!!!
When making your list, make sure to avoid using any negatives, and have fun with this exercise – the short time you take out of your day to make your list will save you tons of time and frustration in the near future.
Are You Using The Weight Loss Secret That Personal Trainers Use all the time
Whether you like him or not, you have to respect Dr Phil just because of one thing.
He continually asks his guests one simple question: "How's it working for you?"
Success in anything comes from FINDING WHAT WORKS then DOING WHAT WORKS.
I am going to reveal to you the Secret Weight Loss Formula that Celebrity personal trainer don't want you to know about.
Before I reveal the secret, first I need to explain to you that there is process that your body goes through to burn body fat.
So how does your body burn fat?
It is a 2 steps process and in order you need to:
1. Release the fat from the fat cells and only then
2. You can burn the fat
That process is the same for every human being. I will outline the steps and then show you how you can easily apply some fundamental rules to allow your body to burn the maximum amount of fat with less effort and minimum time. Once you understand that simple process, you can easily see why you are not getting the results that you want. Even bigger, you will finally see that getting that dream body is getting so much closer to reality that you will be extremely motivated to get started as soon as you can.
How does your body release the fat from the cells?
Before you can turn your body into a fat burning machine, here what needs to happen: your body fat need to be released from the fat cells. You can accomplish this step successfully with your nutrition program. Here are some specific tips that you can apply right away to achieve that.
1. Eat 4-6 small, frequent meals and never skip meals.
2. Include small amounts of good fats.
3. Eat natural foods; avoid processed & refined foods
4. Eat lean proteins with each meal.
5. Eat more complex carbs, fruits & vegetables.
The most misunderstood weight loss strategy. How to burn the *fat* instead of burning muscles.
Releasing fat from the fat cells is not the end of it; actually, it is just the beginning. Because the fat needs to be transported from the fat cells to your muscles so it can be burned there. This is done through your blood and the cardiovascular system is responsible for that. The more effective is that system, the more effective your body will become at burning fat. You can improve your cardio vascular system by doing so cardio training. However, don't go out yet and spend 1 hour on the treadmill because you probably not going to be doing too much good like that.
The reason is excessive cardio combined with a restrictive diet burns fat but mostly muscle tissue. That is not a good thing at all, because muscle tissue is where you burn the fat and if you are burning away muscle tissue, you are burning your ability to burn more fat in the future (weight loss plateau). You just don't cut the hand that feed you. So cardio burns fat and it can also burn muscle tissue, this is a huge dilemma. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. But wait there is a solution to that…
You need to do some MODERATE cardio training. The key word here is moderate.
Doing too much cardio can be detrimental and I am sure you have seen those people that are doing cardio on a daily basis and still not getting anywhere. The result is a low metabolism. Low metabolism means, your body fat is not going anywhere, anytime
soon. Here is what you need to do:
1. Do some moderate cardio training; the key word here is moderate
2. Never diet but consume little fewer calories that you will burn (No starvation diets, Please...)
The world most efficient "fat burner" is FREE and You already have it.
Before I reveal to you how personal trainer get those celebrities in the best shape of their life in such short period there is one more thing that I want you to understand. Because it is very important.
Weight loss marketers always claim that they have the magic "fat burner" that will melt your fat away. The problem is that they have a new one coming out every year, so I wonder if the one from last year was so effective, why we need a new one. There is only one thing that actually burn body fat is you already have it. It does not come in a bottle or a special recipe. Body fat can only be burned inside of your muscle tissue. I repeat Body fat can only be burn in your muscle tissue. This is the most important concept for you to grasp.
Your muscle tissue is your best friend when it comes to burn body fat. You need to preserve muscle tissues in order to keep losing weight. Most people go on a starvation diet combined a lot of cardio to lose weight. At first it may seems like this is working because they are losing scale weight. Now think about, scale weight does not tell you if weight loss is from fat, water or muscle tissue. Scale weight by itself is not a good indicator of success.
Losing water is only temporary,
Losing muscle will simply lower your metabolism and put you in the Yo-Yo dieting bandwagon. This should be avoided at all cost.
Losing fat while maintaining muscle mass is what your main goal should be.
To maintain muscle tissues you need to:
1. Do some resistance training. (This is not optional, it is mandatory)
The secret
Now that you understand the whole fat burning process, I am going to reveal to you how celebrity personal trainers do to get those amazing transformations. The strategy is to combine all the steps that I outlined so the body works as a unit. First the trainer makes sure that his client is eating the proper food on a regular basis.
By that I mean eating so that fat WILL be released from the fat cells. Then and only then they exercise the body to burn the fat. The important idea to take from this is:
"The fat can ONLY be burned after it is released from the fat cells".
If you know anybody that has been exercising like a maniac and they don't seem to go anywhere, now you know why.
The reverse is also true, Do you know somebody that is eating properly but they are not including cardio AND resistance training. Now you know why their body still look the same.
All you need to do is to combine a nutrition program, along with some MODERATE cardio program and maintain muscle mass with resistance training. Everything is combined with one goal in mind: Turning your body into an Automatic fat burning machine. It is that easy.
Don't like the results you have been getting? Then CHANGE YOUR STRATEGY.
How do you change your strategy? How do you find one that works?
DO NOT continue doing something just because "THEY" say it's the way things should be done. Allow yourself to choose the solution that will work for you, regardless of what it may be. The only way for you to know who is right is to measure your progress and ACTUALLY track your results.
CHANGE IS HARD, but it's also worth it. Not getting results makes change EXTREMELY HARD.
Get support from friends, family or a coach. Losing weight is not as hard at it seems once you know what to do. Stop now and sign up to my Forbidden Weight loss Secrets blog at because you will receive weight loss secrets that you will not get anywhere else. The result will be that body that you've always wanted.
Good Luck with your journey…If you really *need* specific help and you are very *serious* visit
He continually asks his guests one simple question: "How's it working for you?"
Success in anything comes from FINDING WHAT WORKS then DOING WHAT WORKS.
I am going to reveal to you the Secret Weight Loss Formula that Celebrity personal trainer don't want you to know about.
Before I reveal the secret, first I need to explain to you that there is process that your body goes through to burn body fat.
So how does your body burn fat?
It is a 2 steps process and in order you need to:
1. Release the fat from the fat cells and only then
2. You can burn the fat
That process is the same for every human being. I will outline the steps and then show you how you can easily apply some fundamental rules to allow your body to burn the maximum amount of fat with less effort and minimum time. Once you understand that simple process, you can easily see why you are not getting the results that you want. Even bigger, you will finally see that getting that dream body is getting so much closer to reality that you will be extremely motivated to get started as soon as you can.
How does your body release the fat from the cells?
Before you can turn your body into a fat burning machine, here what needs to happen: your body fat need to be released from the fat cells. You can accomplish this step successfully with your nutrition program. Here are some specific tips that you can apply right away to achieve that.
1. Eat 4-6 small, frequent meals and never skip meals.
2. Include small amounts of good fats.
3. Eat natural foods; avoid processed & refined foods
4. Eat lean proteins with each meal.
5. Eat more complex carbs, fruits & vegetables.
The most misunderstood weight loss strategy. How to burn the *fat* instead of burning muscles.
Releasing fat from the fat cells is not the end of it; actually, it is just the beginning. Because the fat needs to be transported from the fat cells to your muscles so it can be burned there. This is done through your blood and the cardiovascular system is responsible for that. The more effective is that system, the more effective your body will become at burning fat. You can improve your cardio vascular system by doing so cardio training. However, don't go out yet and spend 1 hour on the treadmill because you probably not going to be doing too much good like that.
The reason is excessive cardio combined with a restrictive diet burns fat but mostly muscle tissue. That is not a good thing at all, because muscle tissue is where you burn the fat and if you are burning away muscle tissue, you are burning your ability to burn more fat in the future (weight loss plateau). You just don't cut the hand that feed you. So cardio burns fat and it can also burn muscle tissue, this is a huge dilemma. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. But wait there is a solution to that…
You need to do some MODERATE cardio training. The key word here is moderate.
Doing too much cardio can be detrimental and I am sure you have seen those people that are doing cardio on a daily basis and still not getting anywhere. The result is a low metabolism. Low metabolism means, your body fat is not going anywhere, anytime
soon. Here is what you need to do:
1. Do some moderate cardio training; the key word here is moderate
2. Never diet but consume little fewer calories that you will burn (No starvation diets, Please...)
The world most efficient "fat burner" is FREE and You already have it.
Before I reveal to you how personal trainer get those celebrities in the best shape of their life in such short period there is one more thing that I want you to understand. Because it is very important.
Weight loss marketers always claim that they have the magic "fat burner" that will melt your fat away. The problem is that they have a new one coming out every year, so I wonder if the one from last year was so effective, why we need a new one. There is only one thing that actually burn body fat is you already have it. It does not come in a bottle or a special recipe. Body fat can only be burned inside of your muscle tissue. I repeat Body fat can only be burn in your muscle tissue. This is the most important concept for you to grasp.
Your muscle tissue is your best friend when it comes to burn body fat. You need to preserve muscle tissues in order to keep losing weight. Most people go on a starvation diet combined a lot of cardio to lose weight. At first it may seems like this is working because they are losing scale weight. Now think about, scale weight does not tell you if weight loss is from fat, water or muscle tissue. Scale weight by itself is not a good indicator of success.
Losing water is only temporary,
Losing muscle will simply lower your metabolism and put you in the Yo-Yo dieting bandwagon. This should be avoided at all cost.
Losing fat while maintaining muscle mass is what your main goal should be.
To maintain muscle tissues you need to:
1. Do some resistance training. (This is not optional, it is mandatory)
The secret
Now that you understand the whole fat burning process, I am going to reveal to you how celebrity personal trainers do to get those amazing transformations. The strategy is to combine all the steps that I outlined so the body works as a unit. First the trainer makes sure that his client is eating the proper food on a regular basis.
By that I mean eating so that fat WILL be released from the fat cells. Then and only then they exercise the body to burn the fat. The important idea to take from this is:
"The fat can ONLY be burned after it is released from the fat cells".
If you know anybody that has been exercising like a maniac and they don't seem to go anywhere, now you know why.
The reverse is also true, Do you know somebody that is eating properly but they are not including cardio AND resistance training. Now you know why their body still look the same.
All you need to do is to combine a nutrition program, along with some MODERATE cardio program and maintain muscle mass with resistance training. Everything is combined with one goal in mind: Turning your body into an Automatic fat burning machine. It is that easy.
Don't like the results you have been getting? Then CHANGE YOUR STRATEGY.
How do you change your strategy? How do you find one that works?
DO NOT continue doing something just because "THEY" say it's the way things should be done. Allow yourself to choose the solution that will work for you, regardless of what it may be. The only way for you to know who is right is to measure your progress and ACTUALLY track your results.
CHANGE IS HARD, but it's also worth it. Not getting results makes change EXTREMELY HARD.
Get support from friends, family or a coach. Losing weight is not as hard at it seems once you know what to do. Stop now and sign up to my Forbidden Weight loss Secrets blog at because you will receive weight loss secrets that you will not get anywhere else. The result will be that body that you've always wanted.
Good Luck with your journey…If you really *need* specific help and you are very *serious* visit
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